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In the spirit of driving a more ethical crypto landscape, Crypto Batman took over a pump and dump contract to provide value to the otherwise abandoned holders. He moved what continues to be an extremely loyal community to a new contract to allow for the full development, completion and launch of the revolutionary MegaToken.
Through years of blockchain development, the game changing MegaToken introduces ground-breaking INFT and Tokenomics concepts. With a Proof of Concept already delivered mid-2021, this journey continues with a first of it's kind Interactive NFT or INFT MegaBaby character. It starts with the minting and selling of 10,000 individual, unique interactive MegaBabies for owners to collect, sell or trade on the MegaToken marketplace.

With a focus on mass global crypto adoption, the next phase in the roadmap will consist of a universal MegaBaby. It will have full interactivity where holders can add value to their MegaBaby while having fun caring, modifying, and upgrading it. By using MegaTokens they can add accessories, they can feed it when it’s hungry, play with it when it’s bored, care for it when it’s sick and evolve it as it ages. Each evolution stage will have a % chance of rarer and rarer character art leading to the chance of a true one of one collectible, also tradeable or sellable on the interactive marketplace.
Crypto Batman: leader, engineer, and all round BSC crime fighting warrior
Crypto Batman has been fighting rug-pulls and scams in BSC since he can remember. He is a dedicated father of 3, with a background in Electronic and Software engineering.
Cinnic: Artist and all round graphical Pariah
Cinnic was a previously aspiring game artist who lost his way and became a slave to the system. Upon meeting Crypto Batman he promptly realised his self worth and joined Batman on his quest to provide A-Class content to the crypto art space. He currently resides in one of Batman's apartments in Scotland, originally having lived in Texas.
10,000 unique MegaBaby
Interactive NFTs
for you to mint & collect
10,000 unique MegaBabies have already been minted