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MetaStable Capital is a cryptocurrency asset hedge fund that is headquartered in San Francisco, California and was founded in September 2014 by Naval Ravikant, Josh Seims, and Lucas Ryan. Metastable Capital offers two funds called the Metastable Balanced and MetaStable Edge. The MetaStable Balanced fund takes a broad approach and value invests in a wide range of underlying technical protocols underlying cryptocurrencies, and the MetaStable Edge fund offers investors an opportunity to take several positions in specific altcoins.
Investors looking to use the hedge fund services of MetaStable Capital are required to invest a minimum of $1 million. The firm also charges a management fee of 2% of assets and a 20% performance fee on profits.
The co-founder of Metastable Capital, Lucas Ryan, made the following statement, in a 2017 interview with Fortune magazine, regarding the companies value investing strategy :
Sort of what you imagine a Warren Buffett doing, but it’s kind of oxymoronic to use these terms in the space because everything is so ephemeral. An example in the pitch deck illustrates the fund’s skill in “Bitcoin crisis investing,” a Buffett-like concept of investing when others are fearful: When Bitfinex, a major cryptocurrency exchange, was hacked last summer, the price of Bitcoin swiftly plunged more than 20% to under $550, and MetaStable took the opportunity to double its Bitcoin position within the next few hours. The price of Bitcoin has since more than quadrupled.