Micro Santa is coming to town and he has gifts to give! Rewarding those who hodl until Christmas Day, Micro Santa gives out USD from his sack full of gifts and never fails to bring the holiday spirit. It's ma...
Micro Santa Coin is the next evolution of a reflection token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): the first BUSD reflection token to maximize your earnings for both now & the future. Simply hold $MicroSanta and get rewarded 8% in BUSD from each transaction, automatically delivered to your wallet.
8% of every buy/sell is redistributed to all holders IN BUSD.
4% of every transaction is transferred into Liquidity Pool for Pancakeswap to create a stable price floor
Any transaction between two wallets is taxed 14% by contracts & distributed as rewards
Micro Santa is coming to town and he has gifts to give! Rewarding those who hodl until Christmas Day, Micro Santa gives out USD from his sack full of gifts and never fails to bring the holiday spirit. It's ma...
Micro Santa is an exciting smart contract that guarantees steady USD rewards to holders. Micro Santa is also Hyper Deflationary Ensuring BUSD Reflections HOURLY! Designed from the popular Santa Coin, we thought the community needed a cuter, smaller version that packed BIG punch. His size does not matter, Micro Santa has a huge sack of money and he’s in search of those on the nice list. Micro Santa will also contain an NFT gaming ecosystem. This will include a play-to-earn game that is not only nostalgic but financially beneficial and fun. -Why Micro Santa? Micro Santa was created to take advantage of the booming cryptocurrency market and provide financial benefits to long term holders. The holiday season is stressful and expenses add up fast, but with Micro Santa, a small purchase now could help pay for all of your holiday goodies. We understand the stress of the holiday season and wanted to put our knowledge to good use to help others, in the name of the crhistmas spirit. We also wanted to bring back one of the most popular games on the app store, flappy bird. Not only will Micro Santa's version bring back good memories but we're sure you'll be glued wanting to earn more and more rewards.
Micro Santa is coming to town and he has gifts to give! Rewarding those who hodl until Christmas Day, Micro Santa gives out USD from his sack full of gifts and never fails to bring the holiday spirit. It's ma...