Migdal is a Tel Aviv-based company founded in 1934.
Migdal, the leading insurance, pension and financial group in Israel, sees itself as having a major role in the building of a humane, healthy and stable society.
The group operates in the insurance, pension andprovident fund fields The group’s insurance activities are carried out through Migdal Insurance and the group’s pension and provident fund activity is executed through Migdal Insurance’s subsidiaries: Migdal Makefet and Yozma for the Self-Employed. The group also holds insurance agencies, most of them Migdal Agencies.
Migdal Insurance’s parent company, Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd. also operates in the financial services field. Primarily it manages financial assets (managing mutual funds and portfolios). In addition it does market investments as well as investement banking, distribution and nostro accounts.