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Mini Royale: Nations (MRN) is a community-owned skill-based shooter with different PvP and PvE game modes for every type of player. The core shooter game is set on top of a land control-oriented, social strategy game with a deep emphasis on clans, alliances and social mechanics. The game economy rewards social behavior, and is designed to be an endless experience built by and for the player community.
Mini Royale: Nations is designed in a way that incentivizes and rewards social behavior. An overview of the MRN economy is summarized up by the diagram below. A key game design decision is to promote trade among the two types of players in MRN: Competitive Shooter Players, Strategic Land Owners / Builders. In its most basic form, the Shooters will win items and tokens needed by Land Owners / Builders, and the Land Owners / Builders will win items needed by the Shooters - the two groups then trade amongst themselves in order to get what they want most.
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