Momentum6 is a venture capital firm and digital marketing company focused on crypto and blockchain projects.
MomentumMomentum6 6is architecta momentumventure forcapital firm and digital marketing company focused on crypto and blockchain projects.
Momentum 6, marketing for top block-chain projects.
Momentum6 is not another marketing agency that also does blockchain stuff. We were one of the first digital marketing agencies to provide tech-driven blockchain companies with reliable full-stack growth solutions. Our experience shows. Our clients are the leaders, not laggards, in the industry.
How did we become a launchpad for the most innovative digital businesses? Before putting my faith in the budding blockchain industry, I worked the insane hours of a management consultant and headed global partnerships for a venture capital firm. So when a Deloitte teammate made me Chief Strategy Officer of his blockchain project TIP over a few beers, I was ready for a new challenge.
Marketing a bootstrap in an industry most people had not yet heard of is a challenge, indeed. I had helped companies across diverse industries launch new products and expand into new markets across Asia and North America. Yet as I oversaw marketing for some of the early blockchain businesses, I immediately recognized that an enhanced skill set was required.
Marketers must see the big picture of the future in a market with rapidly evolving technology and standards. Many will try and fill the unknown void with marketing hype, but our job is to see past it.