A private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors.
Mosaic Private Equity is a private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors. Founded 2006 in Wilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom, it invests in private equity, venture rounds and series A rounds. Its portfolio companies include Citation, kVault Software, Perspective Financial Group, SkinnyBrands, Utilicomm and Woodall Nicholson Group. As of March 2020, Mosaic Private Equity has made six investments. Their most recent investment was on May 16, 2019 with SkinnyBrands. Mosaic Private Equity has had two exits, the most notable of which include Citation and kVault Software.
Mosaic Private Equity is a private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors. Founded 2006 in WilmslowWilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom, it invests in private equity, venture rounds and series A rounds. Its portfolio companies include Citation, kVault Software, Perspective Financial Group, SkinnyBrands, Utilicomm and Woodall Nicholson Group. As of March 2020, Mosaic Private Equity has made six investments. Their most recent investment was on May 16, 2019 with SkinnyBrands. Mosaic Private Equity has had two exits, the most notable of which include Citation and kVault Software.
Mosaic Private Equity is a private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors. Founded 2006 in Wilmslow, Cheshire, United KingdomUnited Kingdom, it invests in private equity, venture rounds and series A rounds. Its portfolio companies include Citation, kVault Software, Perspective Financial Group, SkinnyBrands, Utilicomm and Woodall Nicholson Group. As of March 2020, Mosaic Private Equity has made six investments. Their most recent investment was on May 16, 2019 with SkinnyBrands. Mosaic Private Equity has had two exits, the most notable of which include Citation and kVault Software.
A private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors.
Mosaic Private Equity is a private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors. Founded 2006 in Wilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom, it invests in private equity, venture rounds and series A rounds. Its portfolio companies include Citation, kVault Software, Perspective Financial Group, SkinnyBrands, Utilicomm and Woodall Nicholson Group. As of March 2020, Mosaic Private Equity has made six investments. Their most recent investment was on May 16, 2019 with SkinnyBrands. Mosaic Private Equity has had two exits, the most notable of which include Citation and kVault Software.
A private equity firm in Cheshire that focuses on investing in manufacturing, commercial services and industrial sectors.