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Moses (Heb. Moshe, XV-XIII centuries BC) is a great prophet, servant of God, restorer of the Jewish people, the basis of Judaism. the inevitable prophet of this religion and the "father" of all the prophets of the revolution.
Translated from Hebrew, his name means “taken from the water”, and from Egyptian - “mo” (water) and “udshe” (saved). Moses was born into a Jewish family, his parents were Amram and Jochebed. At that time, the Egyptian pharaoh ordered all newborn Jewish boys to be drowned in the Nile. But Moses' mother managed to hide her child and leave it in a basket near the banks of the Nile, where the boy was found by Pharaoh's daughter.
Termutis, daughter of Ramses II, took pity on the baby and left it to her upbringing. She gave him an excellent education, introduced him to the essence of state affairs and taught him all the Egyptian wisdom. He also became a brave warrior, made a campaign with the Egyptian army to Ethiopia, where he married Princess Farbis.
Having once seen how cruelly the Jewish people were being treated, in a fit of anger and anger, Moses killed the Egyptian overseer. Pharaoh found out about this, and Moses had to flee to the Sinai Peninsula. There he was a shepherd. Moses lived with a priest and married his daughter, who bore him two sons.
While grazing sheep near Mount Horeb, Moses heard the voice of God from a burning thorn bush, which called him to the liberation of the Jewish people. Returning to Egypt, Moses and his brother Aaron asked Pharaoh to lead the people of Israel to the Promised Land.
Finally, when the pharaoh allowed the Jews to leave Egypt, the Exodus began. God showed them the way through the Sinai desert to the Promised Land. During their wanderings in the desert, God sent them food and water. For forty long years of wandering every day gave them manna from heaven.
Having reached Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments - the rules for the life of the Jews, which formed the basis of the Torah, the legislation of Moses.
Wandering in the wilderness for the next 40 years, Moses and his people were accompanied by hardships associated with sins against God and lack of faith. Moses continued to pray for the children of Israel. However, he never entered the Promised Land - he died just before entering it, on Mount Nebo in 1272 BC. Moses lived 120 years, was buried in the valley of the Sinai Peninsula.
Moses left behind a huge literary heritage - the first five books of the Bible, the so-called "Pentateuch".