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Motorsport, motor sports - sports in which participants compete with each other behind the wheel of cars. Currently, there are many different subspecies of motor sports.Motorsport is a popular sport. Broadcast competitions have a large television audience around the world. The peculiarity of car racing is that it is a technical sport, and success in them requires the work of the whole team, and not just the pilot. Also, this sport plays an important role in the development and testing of innovative technologies in the design of cars and their individual components. The world's leading manufacturers of automobiles and automotive accessories usually have their own factory teams or sponsor independent teams. In addition to the benefits of trying out new technologies, sponsorship also serves as an ad

On May 26, 1923, the first auto race called "24 Hours of Le Mans" was held in France.
For the first time, motorsport made itself known back in 1893, when the publisher of the famous Parisian newspaper called "Le Petit Journal", this man's name was Pierre Giffard, announced that the first automobile race would be held in the near future. I would like to note that back in 1887, a competition was held for wheelchairs that moved without outside help. In general, the start of the first real race was scheduled for July 22, 1894. The participants, so to speak, of the "horseless carriage" had to overcome the distance from Paris to Rouen. I want to note that this distance is 126 kilometers, it had to be overcome in less than 8 hours. As for the criteria by which the winner was to be determined, they were very, very vague: the winner is the crew that can demonstrate the best combination of such components as efficiency, safety and ease of control - this was stated in the race rules. In 1923, the first auto race called the 24 Hours of Le Mans was held in France. 33 cars started on the way. Since then, Le Mans has gained pan-European popularity. Italian, English, German and, of course, French cars proved their worth in front of thousands of spectators.Le Mans was conceived by the correspondent of the magazine La Vie Automobile, Charles Faro, and the head of one of the French auto clubs, Georges Duran. History is silent about exactly where their meeting took place. But it is well known what idea Faro and Duran came up with. The idea was ingeniously simple: to run a marathon race on a ring track. A racer and a mechanic with the necessary set of spare parts and tools were supposed to go on the road by car. With all the troubles they encountered along the way, they would have to cope on their own.

Formula Racing is a set of classes whose wheels are outside the body of their vehicles and are not restricted to any body. They have been globally classified as "Formula" series, the most common of which are "Formula 1" and "Formula 2". Many others include the likes of Formula 3, Formula Ford, Formula Renault and Formula Palmer Audi. However, in North America, the IndyCar series is the most popular sports wheel racing series. very recently there have been new series with likely wheels originating from Europe that lack the "Formula" moniker, such as FIA Formula 2 and FIA Formula 3. Former 'Formula' series include Formula 5000, GP2 and GP3.