NBC is an american television network founded in 1926 by RCA.
NBC, or the National Broadcasting Company, is a company based in the United States and was founded on June 19, 1926 by David Sarnoff and RCA. NBC is active in the communication and entertainment industry. The company is headquartered at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York and has additional locations in Stamford, Connecticut; 10 Universal City Plaza; and NBC Tower.
NBC is a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, which is owned by the General Electric Company and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. The company also owns WNBC (AM) and has a separate streaming service subsidiary called Peacock. NBC is a public organization and has a workforce of around 7,000 employees. The number of employees prototype for the company ranges between 5000-9999.
NBC faces competition from companies like Newsmax Media, The First, and Fox News.