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Low fees
NestSwap runs on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin.
Trading fees are also as low as they can be.
Trade directly from your wallet app or browser.
Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, NestSwap doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own tokens.
Earn tokens in our Pools
You can stake HEGG, HMNG or other partnered tokens and earn free tokens!
Make your crypto work for you!
Earn HEGG in Farms
Stake LP tokens, earn HEGG. You take on a little more exposure to market fluctuations than with the Pools, but can earn higher APR to offset the risk.
Tens of thousands of dollars are regularly go up for grabs on the NestSwap Lottery.
Join others and test your luck!