Nezuko Inu aims to be a leading distributor and publisher for aspiring doujinshi creators. Grassroot mangakas and animators are highly encouraged to submit their work to be accepted into the Nezuko Library.
Nezuko Inu aims to be a leading distributor and publisher for aspiring doujinshi creators. Grassroot mangakas and animators are highly encouraged to submit their work to be accepted into the Nezuko Library.
Payment will be accepted with either ETH or NEZUKO tokens; locked LP providers will also get premium subscriptions to have access to everything available in the Nezuko Library. Generative NFT's with a staking function will also be introduced in the future!
Nezuko Inu aims to be a leading distributor and publisher for aspiring doujinshi creators. Grassroot mangakas and animators are highly encouraged to submit their work to be accepted into the Nezuko Library.