Oogi token is one of the meme tokens created on Solana network by the BabyApes Development team
Oogi token is one of the meme tokens created on Solana network by the BabyApes Development team
Oogi token is one of the meme tokens created on Solana network by the BabyApes Development team. It
was introduced as a meme token for the BabyApesNFT community but with the partnership with Turtle
Launchpad it has now its first utility and there is also an upcoming staking feature of Oogi token.
Backed by the BabyApes community with 22k discord users and 15k followers , the current total holder
of Oogi token is around 10k+ and we are still growing!
Oogi token Details:
Total Supply: 18,400,000,000.00
Token Address: H7Qc9APCWWGDVxGD5fJHmLTmdEgT9GFatAKFNg6sHh8A
Token Name: OOGI (OOGI)
Network: Solana