A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Oscilla Power, Inc. in August, 2022 for $1,150,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Statement of the Problem or Situation that is Being Addressed: The demand for accurate, real-time, high-density ocean data to enable the Blue Economy, and/or scientific work, and national security needs, is leading to the need for many more ocean observation and monitoring systems to be deployed worldwide. These systems are frequently reliant on non-rechargeable batteries, resulting in high maintenance costs and providing limits on available power. This in-turn often imposes limits on achievable sampling rates, lengths of deployment, and data resolution, eliminating many exciting future applications, such as recharging resident autonomous vehicles. Statement of how this Problem or Situation is Being Addressed: Harvesting energy from ocean waves can solve these challenges. Sensor platforms that can harness energy from the ocean are approaching commercial viability, although existing approaches still suffer from a low power density and unproven reliability. There also appears to be a gap in the development of smaller systems that are easily deployable without the need for specialist or larger vessels. Oscilla Power Inc. (OPI) sees an opportunity to develop wave energy systems that are smaller and more efficient than current offerings. OPI’s MicroTriton has a class leading efficiency and is adept at capturing energy from waves in low and moderately energetic environments. Planned Phase II Effort: In this Phase II program, OPI will continue to work with East Carolina University (ECU), and CODAR ocean systems (COS) to build and ocean test the MicroTriton small sized wave energy converter platform. During this Phase II project OPI will complete the detailed design and construction for a MicroTriton system capable of supporting and powering a HF radar transmitter from CODAR. The system will be tested off the coast of North Carolina coast for a period of 6 months. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits: NOAA’s ocean enterprise study identified more than 400 firms in the US generating more than $7 billion in revenue annually. In a broad sense, the benefits derived by developing a wave energy powered instrumentation platform, correspond directly to the benefits expected for a Blue Economy. MicroTriton will enable a significant quantity of high-quality, high-density, real-time ocean data, helping to protect marine and coastal ecosystems, monitor environmental change and aid maritime security.