Onions are a staple in kitchens around the world and packed with nutrients and plant compounds with powerful health effects. Here are 9 impressive health benefits of onions.
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Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in August.
Diseases and pests
Diseases and pests
Yellow, purple and white onions
Yellow, purple and white onions
Meaning and applicatiMeaning and applicationn
The ancient Egyptians revered the onion, considering its spherical shape and concentric rings as symbols of eternal life. The bow was used in Egyptian burials, as evidenced by its traces in the eye sockets of Ramesses IV.
Nikolai Vavilov, who traveled to Spain in 1927, noted the world's highest yield of the Valencian onion variety, reaching 5 thousand pounds per hectare. In Valencia at that time, more than 9 thousand hectares were used for crops of this variety:134, 138.
Application in cooking
Application in cooking
Onions are one of the most important vegetable crops. Bulbs and leaves are used as a seasoning in the canning industry, for salads, vinaigrettes, mushrooms, vegetable and meat dishes, as well as as a spicy-vitamin snack and a flavor additive for soups, sauces, gravies, minced meat.
Application in science
Application in science
Application in medicine
Application in medicine
A perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the Onion genus of the Onion family, a widespread vegetable crop.
Onions are a staple in kitchens around the world and packed with nutrients and plant compounds with powerful health effects. Here are 9 impressive health benefits of onions.
A perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the Onion genus of the Onion family, a widespread vegetable crop.
Bulb up to 15 cm in diameter, filmy. The outer scales are dry, yellow, rarely purple or white; the inner ones are fleshy, white, greenish or purple, located on a shortened stem called the bottom. At the bottom, in the sinuses of juicy scales, there are buds that give rise to daughter bulbs that form a "nest" of several bulbs.
The leaves are tubular, bluish-green.
The flower arrow is up to 1.5 m tall, hollow, swollen, ending in a multi-flowered umbellate inflorescence. Flowers on long pedicels. The perianth is greenish-white, up to 1 cm in diameter, consisting of six leaflets, six stamens; a pistil with an upper three-nest ovary. Sometimes, in addition to flowers, small bulbs are formed in the inflorescence.
The fruit is a box containing up to six seeds. The seeds are black, triangular, wrinkled, small.
Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in August.
Diseases and pests
Onion fly is the most dangerous pest
Cervical rot is a fungal disease that leads to damage to bulbs during storage.
Chemical composition
Bulbs contain 8-14% sugars (fructose, sucrose, maltose, inulin polysaccharide), proteins (1.5-2%), vitamins (ascorbic acid), flavonoid quercetin, enzymes, saponins, mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc., phytoncides.
Yellow, purple and white onions
Green onion leaves contain sugars, proteins, ascorbic acid. The bulbs and leaves contain essential oil, which gives them a specific smell and sharp taste, sulfur-containing compounds, iodine, organic acids (malic and citric), mucus, pectin substances, glycosides.
Onion stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, has a diuretic and some soothing effect. Onion phytoncides determine the bactericidal and anthelmintic properties of the plant.
Eye pain and lacrimation when cutting onions occur due to the presence in the cells of the bulb of 1-propenyl-l-cysteine sulfoxide (PRENCSO, a derivative of cysteine) and the enzymes alliinase [en] (alliin lyase) and LFS (lachrymatory-factor synthase, lacrimation factor synthase). When the integrity of cells and their vacuoles is violated, PRENCSO under the action of alliinase turns into 1-propenesulfonic acid, which in turn, with the help of LFS, turns into a volatile lacrimation factor — 1-sulfinylpropane [en]. Getting on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it excites nociceptors, which causes lacrimation.
Meaning and application
It has been known in culture for over 5 thousand years.
It was considered a sacred vegetable in ancient Greece. There, the onion was a symbol of the structure of the universe. The protector of forests and fields, the god Pan, according to mythology, was the son of Zeus and the nymph Oneis (unity), who was the center of all movement, the center to which celestial bodies were attached, like layers of skins on an onion. On holidays, the figure of Pan was showered with onions. There was a custom in Delphi: whoever brought the largest onion received a gift from the priests.
The ancient Egyptians revered the onion, considering its spherical shape and concentric rings as symbols of eternal life. The bow was used in Egyptian burials, as evidenced by its traces in the eye sockets of Ramesses IV.
The average yield of onions is about 350 quintals per hectare. The best yield is achieved at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. At temperatures below 13 ° C, the development of bulbs slows down, resistance to diseases decreases. In hot, dry weather, the taste of greenery worsens.
Many varieties have been bred, differing in taste and number of bulbs, as well as precocity. In Crimea, onions with purple peel, the so-called Yalta onion, are popular. Spicy varieties are grown in a two—year culture, sweet and spicy - in an annual one.
Nikolai Vavilov, who traveled to Spain in 1927, noted the world's highest yield of the Valencian onion variety, reaching 5 thousand pounds per hectare. In Valencia at that time, more than 9 thousand hectares were used for crops of this variety:134, 138.
Application in cooking
Onions are one of the most important vegetable crops. Bulbs and leaves are used as a seasoning in the canning industry, for salads, vinaigrettes, mushrooms, vegetable and meat dishes, as well as as a spicy-vitamin snack and a flavor additive for soups, sauces, gravies, minced meat.
Onion with water and black bread with salt in Russia was a common food of peasants. From onions, bread and water with the addition of vegetable oil, tyuryu was prepared. In the time of Ivan the Terrible, chopped liver with onions fried in a frying pan was considered a popular delicacy. On fast days, they cooked botvinya with onions and "onions" - pies stuffed with fried onions. A typical boyar dish was caviar mixed with raw, finely chopped onions. In Russian folklore, onions are called snake potion or snake grass partly for its burning taste, besides, snakes were credited with knowledge of all useful plants.
Most often, onions are eaten raw or fried in lard or vegetable oil until golden brown. Raw onions are added to sausage and meat products, cottage cheese, cheeses, bread with bacon.
Onions are very popular in France, where onion soup was included in the army menu until the 20th century.
Application in science
Onion is used as a model organism in the Allium test method used for genotoxicological studies.
In Russia, in the school course of botany (biology), familiarization of students with the structure of plant cells and with the practice of microscopic examination begins with the study of a preparation from a thin skin separating the scales of a bulb, stained with an iodine solution and considered "to the lumen". The reason for this choice is the large size and very characteristic appearance of these cells, as well as the absence of the need to prepare a thin slice.
Application in medicine
In medicine, onions have been known since the time of Hippocrates. The medicinal properties of onions were recognized by all nations. The Romans believed that the strength and courage of soldiers increased with the use of onions, so it was included in the military diet. Eye diseases were treated with onion poultices in ancient Rome: the onion caused tears, thereby cleansing and disinfecting the eyes.
In Egypt, Luke was honored as a deity. Under Hippocrates, onions were prescribed to patients with rheumatism, gout, and obesity. The famous Persian physician and scientist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote about onions at the beginning of the XI century: "Edible onions especially help from the harm of bad water, if you throw onion peelings into it, this is one of the means that destroys its smell ... Onion juice is useful for contaminated wounds, smearing the eyes with squeezed onion juice with honey is useful for eyesore… Onion juice helps with sore throats. Edible onions, due to their bitterness, strengthens a weak stomach and stimulates appetite." There was a saying in the East: "An onion in your arms - every disease passes away."
The time of the appearance of onions in Russia is not precisely established, but it is known that for a long time it has been one of the main food products and was considered a universal remedy that protects and cures diseases. In ancient Russian herbalist clinics, they gave the following recommendation: "during a pestilence or other sticky diseases, you need to hang bundles of bulbs in the rooms, why does not the infection penetrate into them, and the air in the rooms will clear… During the bestial case, more bulbs and garlic heads are strung on a string and tied around the necks of cows, horses and other pets so that they do not get infected." Professor N. 3. Umikov cites the evidence of contemporaries that during the great epidemic of typhoid fever in 1805, Russians who consumed a large amount of onions did not get sick with typhus and plague.
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Purple and yellow onions in the section
Onions are a good vitamin remedy, especially recommended in the winter-spring period, but used all year round. A significant amount of mineral salts contributes to the normalization of water-salt metabolism in the body, and a peculiar smell and sharp taste excite the appetite.
Onions are widely used in modern medicine. The preparations "Allilchep" and "Allilglycer" were obtained from onions. "Allilchep", which has an antimicrobial effect, excites intestinal motility, is used both for diarrhea and colitis with a tendency to constipation, with intestinal atony, atherosclerosis and sclerotic hypertension. "Allylglycer" is recommended for the treatment of trichomonas colpitis in the form of tampons.
Onion is a popular cosmetic product in many countries. Onion juice is recommended to lubricate the scalp with seborrhea, nest baldness, to strengthen the hair roots. At the same time, the hair becomes silky, soft and shiny, and the skin does not peel off, dandruff does not form. Freckles turn pale from onion juice; taking onions inside, as well as onion masks (from a mixture of onion mush with honey) prevent the appearance of wrinkles, the skin of the face becomes fresher.
Onions contain mercaptomethylpentanol, a substance that actively binds peroxynitrite
Onions are a staple in kitchens around the world and packed with nutrients and plant compounds with powerful health effects. Here are 9 impressive health benefits of onions.