Opacity is a California-based cloud storage provider.
Opacity is a cloud storage provider. The platform's cryptocurrency token is OPQ. The OPQ storage payment token works without personal payment information and is utilized to pay storage providers in the Opacity storage network. It is pegged to a value of 64GB of storage, with long termlong-term value. Whenever a user creates an Opacity account, they get an Accountaccount Handlehandle login.
Opacity DriveOpacity Drive , the platform's Desktopdesktop app for Windows and Mac, was beta released in September 2021. Opacity Mobile Opacity Mobile , the Mobile app forcompany's iOS and Android app, was also beta released in 2021. On the 6th of September 6, 2021, Opacity collaborated on marketing with Rubic to promote its Cross Chaincross-chain Platformplatform. The Rubic token swap widget was made available on Opacity's website to allow users to purchase OPCT onsite without an exchange.
File sharing with Opacity is enabled via a link, and users can send different things like photos, videos, zipped folders, orand large CAD files with various people, even if they do not possess an Opacity account. The links and files can be shared via phone, tablet, or computer.
File sharing with Opacity is enabled via link, and users can send different things like photos, videos, zipped folders or large CAD files with various people, even if they do not possess an Opacity account. The links and files can be shared via phone, tablet or computer.
Opacity is a California-based cloud storage provider.
Opacity is a cloud storage provider that prioritizes privacy and ease of use. Created by innovators who are committed to bringing the right to privacy into SaaS, Opacity permits freethinkers to quickly download and upload their files in a safe and secure fashion. Opacity is dedicated to creating a storage and exchange market focused on individual users rather than companies.
Opacity is a cloud storage provider that enables privacy concerned people to safeguard. theirThe online presence by never requiring personal data, using our proprietaryplatform's cryptocurrency token, is OPQ. The OPQ storage payment token doesn'tworks requirewithout personal payment information and is usedutilized to pay storage providers in the Opacity storage network. The OPQtoken It is pegged to a value of 64GB of storage, so provides a stable medium of exchange and value over thewith long term value. WhenWhenever a user creates an Opacity account, they receiveget an Account Handle login.
Opacity Drive —, the platform's Desktop app for Windows and Mac iswas nowbeta released in pre-beta testingSeptember to make2021. Opacity sureMobile it is ready for beta release to, the general public. Beta ETA Sept 10. Opacity Mobile — Mobile app for iOS and Android iswas also beta released in final test stage2021. WeOn arethe completing6th allof featuresSeptember and preparing for beta release later this month. Beta ETA Sept 20.tarting Sept 62021, we areOpacity collaboratingcollaborated on marketing with Rubic Rubic to promote theirits Cross Chain Platform. In addition, this will coincide with making theThe Rubic token swap widget was made available on ourOpacity's website soto everyoneallow canusers buypurchase OPCT directly onsite without an exchange. During the campaign, ALL GAS FEES WILL BE REFUNDED BY RUBIC!
Opacity is a cloud storage provider that prioritizes privacy and ease of use. Created by innovators who are committed to bringing the right to privacy into SaaS, Opacity permits freethinkers to quickly download and upload their files in a safe and secure fashion. Opacity is dedicated to creating a storage and exchange market focused on individual users rather than companies.
Opacity is a cloud storage provider that enables privacy concerned people to safeguard their online presence by never requiring personal data, using our proprietary cryptocurrency token, OPQ. The OPQ storage payment token doesn't require personal payment information and is used to pay storage providers in the Opacity storage network. The OPQtoken is pegged to a value of 64GB of storage, so provides a stable medium of exchange and value over the long term. When a user creates an Opacity account, they receive an Account Handle login.
Opacity Drive — Desktop app for Windows and Mac is now in pre-beta testing to make sure it is ready for beta release to the general public. Beta ETA Sept 10. Opacity Mobile — Mobile app for iOS and Android is in final test stage. We are completing all features and preparing for beta release later this month. Beta ETA Sept 20.tarting Sept 6, we are collaborating on marketing with Rubic to promote their Cross Chain Platform. In addition, this will coincide with making the Rubic token swap widget available on our website so everyone can buy OPCT directly onsite without an exchange. During the campaign, ALL GAS FEES WILL BE REFUNDED BY RUBIC!
Opacity protects people’s basic rights and provides private cloud storage to anyone through its Opacity token, OPCT.
Opacity is a cloud storage provider with one major difference, privacy.
With the rise of digital property, many people have increasingly become concerned with the security and privacy of materials stored with cloud storage companies such as Dropbox, Google, and others. Small businesses, individuals, and enterprises want to keep their data private.
Opacity protects people’s basic rights and provides private cloud storage to anyone through its Opacity token, OPCT. The token can be purchased on a crypto exchange and then used to purchase data storage plans that are completely private, and can only be accessed by the purchaser with the private key.
Unlike other service providers, Opacity does not require personal identification information. Opacity stores no information on its users, and allows people to store private information, such as company secrets, intellectual property, personal photographs, legal documents, and family moments, with assurance that personal data stays personal.
Access to private storage and file sharing enables a new way to protect your important files.
Opacity Storage provides a storage solution to decrease the probability of cloud-related data breaches. The company's cryptocurrency token, OPCT, powers the storage platform that encrypts and dices users files to store them securely across multiple storage nodes.
Opacity Storage provides a storage solution to decrease the probability of cloud-related data breaches. The company's cryptocurrency token, OPCT, powers the storage platform that encrypts and dices users files to store them securely across multiple storage nodes.
Access to private storage and file sharing enables a new way to protect your important files.