OpenOcean Robotics is an early-stage company developing solar powered autonomous boats that provide real-time information to protect the ocean.
Open OceanOpenOcean Robotics is an early-stage company developing solar powered autonomous boats that provide real-time information to protect the ocean.
Open OceanOpenOcean Robotics is an early-stage company developing offshore-capable autonomous unmanned energy-harvesting boats.
Open Ocean Robotics is an early-stage company developing solar powered autonomous boats which proviethat realprovide timereal-time information to protect the ocean.
OpenOcean Robotics' USVs (Un-crewed or Unmanned Surface Vehicles) are equipped with sensors, cameras, and communication devices so that have instant access to information can be captured from anywhere on the ocean with instant access to it. The boats can travel nonstop for months via solar energy capture, without producing any greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, or risk of oil spills. The company says USVs are an essential component to creating a digital ocean, or sea IoT.