SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be substantial: a successful project would transform the construction industry, making it far more efficient by reducing legal conflicts, schedule slips and poor decision making. The proposed work will enable the fast and easy creation of 100% complete visual documentation of a physical space; this documentation can be generated many times throughout the course of construction. In so doing, the proposed project will allow professionals in the construction industry to track progress and communicate with their teams far more efficiently than ever before. A second outcome of the project will be the creation of vast, detailed, never before seen datasets of construction projects and real estate, allowing technical innovations in artificial intelligence and computer vision to impact one of the largest industries in the nation and the world. For example, systems could be trained to automatically spot safety concerns, augmenting the efforts of safety managers and keeping workers safer than ever before. This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop a fast, easy to use and cheap method to create photorealistic immersive models using off the shelf consumer hardware. Technical hurdles include validating the quality and efficacy of models generated with consumer hardware and automatic creation of routes through the 3D space without human annotation. Technical milestones involve using various sensor streams as well as other prior data to build these routes. With these hurdles cleared, advanced work may include automated analytics between and among 3D models of the same site captured over time. Because of the system's ease of use, it will enable the collection of large, totally novel datasets. The goal of the research is to produce a prototype that a layperson can use to create an immersive model of a physical site in order to document it with no annotation effort. The plan to reach these goals includes iterative software development against the hurdles listed above, as well as continuous user feedback to guide and refine development. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.