Orolia is an at the Core of Mission-Critical Applications founded in 2006.
September 9, 2021
Orolia Provides a complete GADSS end-to-end solution, based on its KannadKannad Ultima-DT for the airborne segment, using Cospas-Sarsat MEOSAR infrastructure for the service segment.
At the Core of Mission-Critical Applications
At the Core of Mission-Critical Applications
With locations in more than 100 countries, Orolia provides virtually failsafe GPS/GNSS and PNT solutions to support military and commercial applications worldwide. Orolia is the world leader in Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions that improve the reliability, performance and safety of critical, remote or high-risk operations.
The VelaSyncTM high speed time server is a network appliance designed for high frequency trading and other low-latency network applications.
Orolia Provides a complete GADSS end-to-end solution, based on its Kannad Ultima-DT for the airborne segment, using Cospas-Sarsat MEOSAR infrastructure for the service segment.
Providing trusted, resilient PNT solutions requires us to look beyond individual systems and methodologies to focus upon the user. Without a trusted, reliable, resilient PNT foundation, additional economic growth in almost every sector is impeded.
Positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services are indispensable, and providing trusted, resilient PNT solutions requires us to look beyond individual systems and methodologies to focus upon the user. An architecture that can meet this demand must include multiple systems with diverse technologies so that any single threat or source of disruption can be mitigated.
At the Core of Mission-Critical Applications