A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Pecos Wind Power in December, 2022 for $2,500,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
The following Department of the Air Force (DAF) Direct to Phase II proposal, submitted by Pecos Wind Power under the Blue Sky category, introduces a novel, first-of-its-kind clean energy microgrid solution. The solution has three major specifications; it will be 1) a streamlined, plug-and-play microgrid for energy resiliency, 2) scalable and configurable to a wide variety of DAF applications, from forwarding operating bases (FOBs) to enduring installations, and 3) compatible with the DAF’s existing diesel generator infrastructure to extend on-base diesel fuel supplies in the event of a grid outage. The end result is a widely applicable, turn-key tool for energy independence and mission critical resiliency. Currently, DAF installations and FOBs use diesel generators as back-up power to mission critical activities. In some cases, solar and battery storage are deployed, however the result doesn’t improve 24/7 resiliency and there is no integration with existing diesel generators. In comparison, Pecos Wind Power’s microgrid solution uses solar and wind power, alongside battery storage, to cost-effectively maximize 24/7, on-base renewable energy production and interoperate with diesel generators to optimize fuel supplies. In grid-connected mode, diesel generators are offline and the microgrid’s renewable energy is injected onto the base’s electric distribution system. During a grid-outage, the microgrid automatically switches to islanded-mode. In islanded-mode, the microgrid’s solar and wind production directly powers mission critical loads and reduces reliance on back-up diesel generators. The technology enabling this microgrid solution is Pecos Wind Power’s commercial product, the PW85, an 85kW distributed wind turbine. The addition of wind power to any microgrid is essential to fill in the troughs/gaps of solar production. The PW85’s patented technology makes on-base distributed wind power accessible to nearly 4x more Department of Defense (DoD) locations compared to today’s best-in-class distributed wind technology. In addition, at a third the height of a typical wind turbine, it can be sited below a base’s glide slope to not impact radar or flightline operations. As such, the PW85 is uniquely suited for Defense applications and critical to securing 24/7 clean energy within the confines of the base. The Phase II project will culminate in a hardware demonstration of the complete microgrid solution – including a PW85 wind turbine, solar array, and battery storage – interconnected to a diesel generator and adhering to cybersecurity requirements. If successful, the solution will be immediately transitioned to Phase III and deployed at Pecos Wind Power’s DAF End-User and Customer, the 10 Space Warning Squadron of Cavalier SFS, as the first on-base demonstration of the solution’s capabilities.