SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In this SBIR proposal, ProbiusDx aims to develop a non-invasive, point of care diagnostic technology for characterizing host-pathogen interactions during acute infections afflicting warfighters within a resource-constrained setting; specifically we will develop a broad-spectrum platform to assay for multiple markers that define differing phases of progression in sepsis, beginning with the occurrence of the insult all the way through treatment and recovery. Our ground-breaking work at Stanford led to the demonstration of a probe-free, broad-spectrum molecular analyzer capable of assessing very low concentrations of multiple types of molecular analytes in human serum. Designed to mimic the olfactory system, it relies on a nanoscale electrochemical – solid-liquid interface to detect the vibronic signatures of the biomolecular matrix, and uses the analytical capability of machine learning to identify the biomarker signatures within the complex matrix. In synergy with our transition to a point of care device and commercial applications, the objective of this phase II proposal is to leverage our technology platform and demonstrate a panel of clinically relevant biomarkers for characterization of the infecting organism, the hyper-inflammatory systemic-inflammatory-response-syndrome, the hypo-inflammatory compensatory-anti-inflammatory-response-syndrome, refractory immunosuppressed state as well as coagulation pathway dysfunction, autonomic nervous system disruption and organ failure, to assess the risk