Follow Top Investors, Invest ConfidentlyPrysm is a web3 social investing network. Follow verified investors and discover your next opportunity.
Follow Top Investors, Invest ConfidentlyPrysm is a web3 social investing network. Follow verified investors and discover your next opportunity.
We started Prysm with one core belief: fair and equal wealth creation should be a right.
Capital is the foundation of wealth. A system where the 1% own 50% of capital assets shuts 99% of the world from financial freedom.
Web3 is the financial internet. It creates new kinds of capital markets and distributes capital ownership to the 99%. Here, retail investors have flocked to own pieces of the new internet often actively creating new value unlocked by ownership.
This new frontier comes with its own issues. An overwhelming amount of noise, unbearable transaction costs and blue chip assets amassed by a new internet native 1%. As a solution, investors are squading up to pool intel, resources and funds. However, It’s hard to find your people, connect and develop trust with internet strangers.
Prysm is the social ownership platform where investors discover like-minded investor, connect and squad up to invest together.
We’re building a new kind of social graph to connect investors, ways to showcase your on-chain investing achievements and smooth group investing user experiences to accomlish our mission.
Let's access the power of capital ownership, together.