A unified platform for sharing, training and evaluating dialog models across multiple tasks.
ParlAI is a unified platform by Facebook AI Research that allows developers to share, train and test their chatbots. ParlAI (pronounced “parlay”), an open-source software platform for dialog research implemented in PythonPython. It is where researchers can submit new tasks and training algorithms to a single and shared library. It is a community-based platform.
ParlAI complements existing FAIR text research efforts like FastText, our quick and efficient text classification tool, and CommAI, a framework for developing artificial general intelligence through increasingly complex tasks. It is integrated with Amazon Mechanical TurkAmazon Mechanical Turk for collection of data, training and evaluation of dialog models and tasks.
ParlAI is a softwareunified platform by Facebook AI Research that allows developers to share, train and test their chatbots. ItParlAI is(pronounced a“parlay”), an unifiedopen-source software platform for AIdialog research implemented in PythonPython. It is where researchers can submit new tasks and training algorithms to a single, and shared library. It is a community-based platform.
ParlAI complements the existing Facebook AI Research (FAIR) text research efforts like FastText, our quick and efficient text classification tool, and CommAICommAI, ina framework for developing artificial general intelligence through increasingly complex tasks. It is integrated with Amazon Mechanical Turk for collection of data, training and evaluation of dialog models and tasks.
Launched in May 15, 2017 ParlAI targets to make chatbots talk like real humans and to unify different dialog datasets input into a standardized framework of dialog models.
ParlAI is a software by FacebookFacebook AI Research that allows developers to train and test their chatbots. It is a unified platform for AI research implemented in Python. It is where researchers can submit new tasks and training algorithms to a single, shared library.
ParlAI complements the existing Facebook AI Research (FAIR) text research efforts like FastTextFastText and CommAI in developing artificial general intelligence through increasingly complex tasks.
A unified platform for sharing, training and evaluating dialog models across multiple tasks.
ParlAI is a software by Facebook that allows developers to train and test their chatbots. It is a unified platform for AI research implemented in Python. It is where researchers can submit new tasks and training algorithms to a single, shared library.
ParlAI complements the existing Facebook AI Research (FAIR) text research efforts like FastText and CommAI in developing artificial general intelligence through increasingly complex tasks.
A unified platform for sharing, training and evaluating dialog models across multiple tasks.