CEO & CEO of Swiss Life
Patrick Frost studied at the ETH in Zurich and the universities of Cologne, Basel and Zurich, obtaining degrees in natural science (dipl. Natural Science (dipl. Natw. ETH), economics (Dr. rer. pol.) and law (lic. iur.)). He began his career in the mid-nineties as an analyst and subsequently as a Portfolio Manager in asset management for Winterthur Group. After two years in the US as a Corporate Bond Manager, he was appointed Head of Fixed Income at Winterthur Group in 2001.
In 2006 Patrick Frost was appointed Member of the Corporate Executive Board and Group Chief Investment Officer of Swiss Life and in this capacity was responsible for the investment management of the Swiss Life Group. Since 1 July 2014 he has been Group Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO) of the Swiss Life Group.
Other appointments
Roche Holding AG, Member of the Board of Directors
Avenir Suisse, Member of the Board of Trustees
Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Member of the Board of Directors
Zürcher Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft (Zurich Economic Society), Chairman of the Board