Head of IT service of the Magnit Pharma
Pavel Antipov has been working in the field of information technology for 25 years - 17 of them in the pharmaceutical business. For many years he headed the IT department of CJSC ROSTA.
Pavel has knowledge of modern methods and practices of organizing IT activities, understands the specifics of company information systems, has successful experience in ensuring information security of IT infrastructure and implementing other projects.
At Magnit Pharma, Pavel's area of responsibility includes the development and implementation of the company's IT strategy, audit of current IT processes and IT infrastructure - their optimization, project management for the development and modernization of IT systems, development and implementation of IT standards, raising the level of IT user support and more.
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology. Currently studying at the Moscow International Business School MIRBIS (under the Executive MBA program).
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology. Currently studying at the Moscow International Business School MIRBIS (under the Executive MBA program).
At Magnit PharmaMagnit Pharma, PavelPavel's area of responsibility includes the development and implementation of the company's IT strategy, audit of current IT processes and IT infrastructure - their optimization, project management for the development and modernization of IT systems, development and implementation of IT standards, raising the level of IT user support and more.
At Magnit Pharma, Pavel's area of responsibility includes the development and implementation of the company's IT strategy, audit of current IT processes and IT infrastructure - their optimization, project management for the development and modernization of IT systems, development and implementation of IT standards, raising the level of IT user support and more.
PavelPavel has knowledge of modern methods and practices of organizing IT activities, understands the specifics of company information systems, has successful experience in ensuring information security of IT infrastructure and implementing other projects.
Pavel has knowledge of modern methods and practices of organizing IT activities, understands the specifics of company information systems, has successful experience in ensuring information security of IT infrastructure and implementing other projects.
Pavel AntipovPavel Antipov has been working in the field of information technology for 25 years - 17 of them in the pharmaceutical business. For many years he headed the IT department of CJSC ROSTA.
Head of IT service of the Magnit Pharma
Pavel Antipov has been working in the field of information technology for 25 years - 17 of them in the pharmaceutical business. For many years he headed the IT department of CJSC ROSTA.