A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Pecos Wind Power in August, 2020 for $649,970.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The goal of Pecos Wind Power's USDA SBIR project is to demonstrate that increasing capacityfactor of small-scale distributed wind turbines is a technically and economically feasible solutionto providing lower cost electricity to rural areas nationwide. The concept will be demonstratedthrough research and development (R&D) of a high-capacity factor drivetrain for Pecos WindPower's 85kW distributed wind turbine the PW85. It will enable the PW85 to utilize thenation's untapped vast low-wind speed resource while achieving a breakthrough levelizedcost of energy (LCOE) of $.068/kWh 43.3% less than today's most cost-competitive smallwind turbines (DOE 2019).As estimated by the Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA) the number of propertiesnationwide with enough space and wind resources for distributed wind turbines could satisfy theentire country's electricity demand (DWEA 2015). However the vast majority of this potentialexists in low wind speed areas 5-6m/s. In these areas annual energy production of today's smallwind turbines is so low that they fail to be cost-competitive with other sources of electricity. PecosWind Power's high capacity factor drivetrain will optimize the PW85 for the low wind speedmarkets most prevalent in rural America. By doing so it will extend the benefits of distributedwind power to a geographic territory nearly 10x greater than the current market footprint.This USDA SBIR project aims to research and develop a high capacity factor drivetrain capableof withstanding the exceptionally high loading from a rotor with a swept area 56% greater thancompeting distributed wind turbines. During Phase I Pecos Wind Power used numerical modelingto design and analyze a drivetrain capable of achieving a capacity factor of 43% in 6m/s annualwind speeds - a 2.5x increase over the average capacity factor of small wind turbines installed todate (DOE 2019). The Phase II effort will validate Phase I results via fabrication and field testingof the PW85 prototype. After Phase II Pecos Wind Power will be well-positioned to commencedevelopment of a paid customer demonstration project at SUNY Morrisville in New York State.Pecos Wind Power's USDA SBIR project reinforces and supports USDA-NIFA'scommitment to renewable energy innovation and advancing the economic prosperity of ruralAmerica. If successful the R&D proposed herein will extend the benefits of distributed windpower to a vast and untapped geography of rural communities; communities and individuals willbenefit from significant electricity cost-savings increased electric security improved resiliencyand reduced greenhouse gas emissions.