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Penumbra is a global healthcare company that focuses on innovative therapies. Penumbra designs, develops, manufactures and markets novel products and has a broad portfolio that addresses challenging medical conditions in markets with significant unmet need.
Penumbra sells its products to hospitals and healthcare providers primarily through its direct sales organization in the United States, most of Europe, Canada and Australia, and through distributors in select international markets.
Penumbra offers access devices specifically designed to facilitate the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including disorders in the most challenging neurovasculature. Penumbra introduced its first neuro access device in 2007 and has since expanded its intracranial access products such as BENCHMARK™ BMX™ 96, Neuron MAX® and BENCHMARK™ 071. These innovative devices are designed to address additional clinical challenges specific to the neurovascaulture.
Penumbra’s second generation device, Artemis™ Neuro Evacuation Device, is specifically designed for the controlled evacuation of fluids and tissues from the Ventricular System and Cerebrum.