is an analytics firm offering a machine learning and artificial intelligence platform using open source technology for national security intelligence and security applications. is an analytics firm offering a machine learning platform that uses open source technologies to support multi-intelligence sources and missions. The company provides an intelligence analysis platform intended for United States National Security organizations and the Intelligence Community. The company's platform geo-correlates multi-source intelligence data using computer visioncomputer vision for understanding at speed and scale, in live and recorded data. is an analytics firm offering a machine learningmachine learning platform that uses open source technologies to support multi-intelligence sources and missions. The company provides an intelligence analysis platform intended for United States National Security organizations and the Intelligence Community. The company's platform geo-correlates multi-source intelligence data using computer vision for understanding at speed and scale, in live and recorded data. is an analytics firm offering a machine learning and artificial intelligence platform using open source technology for national security intelligence and security applications. is an analytics firm offering a machine learning platform that uses open source technologies to support multi-intelligence sources and missions. The company provides an intelligence analysis platform intended for United States National Security organizations and the Intelligence Community. The company's platform geo-correlates multi-source intelligence data using computer vision for understanding at speed and scale, in live and recorded data.
Mirage is's intelligence analysis platform using computer vision and correlation to operators and analysts. The platform uses machine learning to analyze unstructured data and offers data analysis in time sensitive situations. The platform also offers users the ability to detect changes in patterns or networks of meaning in unstructured data for use in national security or business intelligence applications.
The data and analysis developed through Mirage is then given to analysts in order to provide context and understanding to the data, which Mirage works to learn in order to accelerate and automate many of the analysis tasks required. Through the platform's machine learning and computer vision, Mirage offers:
In 2019, the Mirage platform saw use by the United States Intelligence Community and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.
October 2, 2019
May 4, 2018
March 14, 2018
October 9, 2017