A photonic computer combines modern optics with computer technology and microelectronics technology.
WithA thephotonic combinationcomputer ofcombines modern optics with computer technology and microelectronics technology, photonic computer will become a universal tool for human beings in the near future.
Photonic computing refers to a computer system that uses optical light to form the basis of logic gates rather than electrical transistors. The promise of photonic computers is that light travels faster than electrons, increasing the potential speeds for compute tasks such as machine learning or other compute-intensive tasks. And if it can be mass producedmass-produced at practical sizes, photonic computing holds the promise of fundamentally increasing the speed of everyday computing. Another exploitable property of light is that different wavelengths of light do not interact whichwith each other, which would allowallows them to carry parallel streams of data, with each polarization of light capable of being used as an independent information channel to enable more information to be stored in a single channel to enhance information density.
Photonic computing offers distinctive opportunities in terms of developing computing fowardforward. Beyond AI solutions and machine learning, as noted above, photonic computing offers solutiosnsolutions capable of massively parallel processing required for those types of applications, and deep learning neural network computations. This makes photonic computing therefore conducive to various other applications whichthat can be built upon these networks,. Applications includinginclude the following:
The idea behind photonic computers havehas been around since at least the 1970s -(if not earlier), with optical matrix multiplications first being demonstrated. Many roadblocks toward photonic computing have existed -that have not been solved on a practical level. For example, many photonic components ifare not integrated as easily earlieras common transistor-based systems. However, many roadblocks towards photonic computing have existed that have not been solved on a practical level. For example, many photonic components are not integrated as easily as common transistor-based systems. But, with increasing use of fiber opticoptics for communications - suchcommunications—such as for networking, where fiber optic cables have shown superior speed and bandwidth compared to traditional aluminum or copper wires - havewires—has led to more research and development into photonics for computing.
A complete photonic computer would work similarly to a traditional computer, using logic gates and binary routines to perform calculations. However, the photons used in photonic computers are generated by LEDs, lasers, or other light-based devices whichthat can be used to encode data in light in a process similar to using electrons in traditional computing. The use of light in computing has been suggested as resulting in the development of exascale computers, which are computers capable of performing billions of calculations every second, or 1000 times faster than current systems. But, byBy using the speed of lights, it is possible to achieve this level of processing speed.
There are various benefits of photonic computing, which have led researchers to continue in the development of photonic computers. Some of theseThese include the following:
When attempting to use light for computing, there are a few technical challenges. The first is size. For aA switch from electricity to light requires that the photonic computer is a similar size ofto electronic, which is difficult, because, in atomic terms, light is large and creates a constraint when trying to use techniques to bend light inside microchips and processors. And while someSome work has been done in solving that issue, namelyby using surface plasmons, haswhich have a problem with power. Plasmons lose power quickly, and to maintain power, there would have to be a wire included that then translates more heat as a byproduct of the energy needed to maintain the plasmon. However, some researchers are finding materials whichthat could allow surface plasmons to be transported on the nano-scalenanoscale.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, photonic computing is being developed by single components capable of being integrated in more traditional compute systems. This is becuase thereThere are several difficulties in developing photonic computers, and components. One such difficulty in developing photonic computing is the non-linearity of traditional transistor chips. The non-linearity allows the transistors to switch on and off, which allowsenables them to be fashioned into a logic gate, and accomplishing this non-linearity is easy with electronics. But in light, the output of an optical device is typically proportional to its inputs, making the photonic devices incredibly linear when compared to traditional transistors. It has also been pointed out that the linearity could work in specific cases, such as in deep learning systems whichthat rely on linear algebra that could be sped up and maintained with a linear photonic system.
Another solution to the problem of linearity, proposed by researcher Ryan Hamerly, is to use beam splitters that allow two perpendicular beams of light to be fired at from opposite directions. Each beam of light is split by allowing half of the light to pass through one side of the beam splitter, whileand the remaining light is bounced at 90 degrees from its origin. This allows for two inputs and two outputs, which can make a matrix multiplication possible (which is how a traditional computer performs calculations).
Given lightLight switchable properties, through beam splitters, or in some research through manipulation of existing or new material properties, can be paired with specific polraizationspolarizations, directions, and light or optical pulses, which can create specific information processing for photonic computing. This could further lead to increased computing enhancement when compared to conventional electronic chips, as the computing speeds can be increased and modulated by nanosecond optical pulses.
Where traditional electron-based computers use silicon channels and copper wires to guide and control the movement of electronics, the same is difficult as light does not easily bend, requiring more geographical space to make similar compute routes. However, one proposed solution to achieve a similar effect is using plasmonic nanoparticles. These particles can guide and control photons' movement and allows them to turn corners and continue on a pre-determined path without significant loss of power or conversion to eelctrons;electrons, which would make it possible to create compact and efficient optical computing devices.
A key technology in the field of photonic computing, and in the development of more sophisticated photonic computing components is the development of integrated photonics. In this case, rather than developing complete systems, or complete components, researchers integrate photonic components into a single device to create a more efficient and scalable approach to computation. This has included running light-based logic gates, which can run a million times faster than conventional electronic logic gates found in traditional computer processors.
These "hybrid" photonic systems - wheresystems—where photonic components can be integrated into ana traditional electronic computer - arecomputer—are more likely to be developed, especially in super computerssupercomputers, where integrated photonic components can be used for data transfer, and gradually enhance or take over specific types of computation.
In 2022, researchers developed a photonic computing processor whichthat utilized polarizations of light. In the processor, photonic computing uses multiple polarizations channels whichthat, as noted above, increased the computing density when compared to traditional computing. This is in partpartially achieved through the development of a hybridized-active-dielectric (HAD) nanowire, which uses a hybrid glassy material whichthat shows switchable material properties upon the illumination of optical pulses. Each nanowire also showed selective responses to a specific polarization direction, allowing information to be simultaneously processed using multiple polarizations in different directions.
Another development in photonic computercomputers has been the integration of photonic components in a quantum computer. One such device developed, named Borealis, has been developed using integrated photonic components capable of taking 36 microseconds to complete incredibly complex tasks - suchtasks—such as a task anticipated to take a conventional supercomputer more than 9,000 years to complete. The Borealis quantum computer also uses a qubit based on photons that can, in principle, operate at room temperature, reducing the need for cryogenic cooling systems. These photon-based qubits can also be readily integrated into fiber-optic-basedfiber optic-based telecommunication systems.
Borealis also consists of qubits in so-called "squeeze states," consisting of superpositions of multiple photons in a light pulse. The squeezed state can exist in states of 0,1,2,3, or more compared to the traditional qubit in a state known as superposition can symbolize both a 0 and 1 of data. This means the squeeze state can represent more, and Borealis can generate trains of up to 216 pulses of squeezed light. However, this is not equivalent to a 216-qubit traditional device, as the squeezed-state qubits can be used to addresssaddress different classes of quantum tasks than those traditional systems.
Researchers have also used the Borealis quantum computer on a task known as Gaussian boson sampling, in which a machine analyzes random patches of data. Gaussian boson sampling has practical applications, such as identifying which pairs of molecules are the best fits for each other. However, for some, more importantly, has been a key advance made in Borealis being the use of photon-number-resolving detectors. Prior mahcinesmachines have been designed to distinguish between "photons detected" or "no photons detected." Being able to detect multiple photons exponentially increases the amountnumber of computational problems a photonic quantum computer can tackle, with Borealis being able to perform more than 50 million times as fast as previous photonic quantum computers.
A photonic computer combines modern optics with computer technology and microelectronics technology.
Photonic computing refers to a computer system that uses optical light to form the basis of logic gates rather than electrical transistors. The promise of photonic computers is that light travels faster than electrons, increasing the potential speeds for compute tasks such as machine learning or other compute-intensive tasks. And if it can be mass produced at practical sizes, photonic computing holds the promise of fundamentally increasing the speed of everyday computing. Another exploitable property of light is that different wavelengths of light do not interact which each other, which would allow them to carry parallel streams of data, with each polarization of light capable of being used as an independent information channel to enable more information to be stored in a single channel to enhance information density.
Photonic computing offers distinctive opportunities in terms of developing computing foward. Beyond AI solutions and machine learning, as noted above, photonic computing offers solutiosn capable of massively parallel processing required for those types of applications, and deep learning neural network computations. This makes photonic computing therefore conducive to various other applications which can be built upon these networks, including:
The idea behind photonic computers have been around since at least the 1970s - with optical matrix multiplications first being demonstrated - if not earlier. However, many roadblocks towards photonic computing have existed that have not been solved on a practical level. For example, many photonic components are not integrated as easily as common transistor-based systems. But, with increasing use of fiber optic for communications - such as for networking, where fiber optic cables have shown superior speed and bandwidth compared to traditional aluminum or copper wires - have led to more research and development into photonics for computing.
A complete photonic computer would work similarly to traditional computer, using logic gates and binary routines to perform calculations. However, the photons used in photonic computers are generated by LEDs, lasers, or other light-based devices which can be used to encode data in light in a process similar to using electrons in traditional computing. The use of light in computing has been suggested as resulting in the development of exascale computers, which are computers capable of performing billions of calculations every second, or 1000 times faster than current systems. But, by using the speed of lights, it is possible to achieve this level of processing speed.
There are various benefits of photonic computing which have led researchers to continue in the development of photonic computers. Some of these include:
When attempting to use light for computing, there are a few technical challenges. The first is size. For a switch from electricity to light requires that the photonic computer is a similar size of electronic, which is difficult, because, in atomic terms, light is large and creates a constraint when trying to use techniques to bend light inside microchips and processors. And while some work has been done in solving that issue, namely using surface plasmons, has a problem with power. Plasmons lose power quickly, and to maintain power, there would have to be a wire included that then translates more heat as a byproduct of the energy needed to maintain the plasmon. However, some researchers are finding materials which could allow surface plasmons to be transported on the nano-scale.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, photonic computing is being developed by single components capable of being integrated in more traditional compute systems. This is becuase there are several difficulties in developing photonic computers, and components. One such difficulty in developing photonic computing is the non-linearity of traditional transistor chips. The non-linearity allows the transistors to switch on and off, which allows them to be fashioned into logic gate, and accomplishing this non-linearity is easy with electronics. But in light, the output of an optical device is typically proportional to its inputs, making the photonic devices incredibly linear when compared to traditional transistors. It has also been pointed out that the linearity could work in specific cases, such as in deep learning systems which rely on linear algebra that could be sped up and maintained with a linear photonic system.
Another solution the problem of linearity, proposed by researcher Ryan Hamerly, is to use beam splitters that allow two perpendicular beams of light to be fired at from opposite directions. Each beam of light is split by allowing half of the light to pass through one side of the beam splitter, while the remaining light is bounced at 90 degrees from its origin. This allows for two inputs and two outputs, which can make a matrix multiplication possible (which is how a traditional computer performs calculations).
Given light switchable properties, through beam splitters, or in some research through manipulation of existing or new material properties, can be paired with specific polraizations, directions, and light or optical pulses can create specific information processing for photonic computing. This could further lead to increased computing enhancement when compared to conventional electronic chips as the computing speeds can be increased and modulated by nanosecond optical pulses.
Where traditional electron-based computers use silicon channels and copper wires to guide and control the movement of electronics, the same is difficult as light does not easily bend, requiring more geographical space to make similar compute routes. However, one proposed solution to achieve a similar effect is using plasmonic nanoparticles. These particles can guide and control photons' movement and allows them to turn corners and continue on a pre-determined path without significant loss of power or conversion to eelctrons; which would make it possible to create compact and efficient optical computing devices.
A key technology in the field of photonic computing, and the development of more sophisticated photonic computing components is the development of integrated photonics. In this case, rather than developing complete systems, or complete components, researchers integrate photonic components into a single device to create a more efficient and scalable approach to computation. This has included running light-based logic gates, which can run million times faster than conventional electronic logic gates found in traditional computer processors.
These "hybrid" photonic systems - where photonic components can be integrated into an traditional electronic computer - are more likely to be developed, especially in super computers, where integrated photonic components can be used for data transfer, and gradually enhance or take over specific types of computation.
In 2022, researchers developed a photonic computing processor which utilized polarizations of light. In the processor, photonic computing uses multiple polarizations channels which, as noted above, increased the computing density when compared to traditional computing. This is in part achieved through the development of a hybridized-active-dielectric (HAD) nanowire, which uses a hybrid glassy material which shows switchable material properties upon the illumination of optical pulses. Each nanowire also showed selective responses to a specific polarization direction, allowing information to be simultaneously processed using multiple polarizations in different directions.
Another development in photonic computer has been the integration of photonic components in a quantum computer. One such device developed named Borealis has been developed using integrated photonic components capable of taking 36 microseconds to complete incredibly complex tasks - such as a task anticipated to take a conventional supercomputer more than 9,000 years to complete. The Borealis quantum computer also uses a qubit based on photons that can, in principle operate at room temperature, reducing the need for cryogenic cooling systems. These photon-based qubits can also be readily integrated into fiber-optic-based telecommunication systems.
Borealis also consists of qubits in so-called "squeeze states" consisting of superpositions of multiple photons in a light pulse. The squeezed state can exist in states of 0,1,2,3, or more compared to the traditional qubit in a state known as superposition can symbolize both a 0 and 1 of data. This means the squeeze state can represent more, and Borealis can generate trains of up to 216 pulses of squeezed light. However, this is not equivalent to a 216-qubit traditional device, as the squeezed-state qubits can be used to addresss different classes of quantum tasks than those traditional systems.
Researchers have also used the Borealis quantum computer on a task known as Gaussian boson sampling in which a machine analyzes random patches of data. Gaussian boson sampling has practical applications, such as identifying which pairs of molecules are the best fits for each other. However, for some, more importantly has been a key advance made in Borealis being the use of photon-number-resolving detectors. Prior mahcines have been designed to distinguish between "photons detected" or "no photons detected." Being able to detect multiple photons exponentially increases the amount of computational problems a photonic quantum computer can tackle, with Borealis being able to perform more than 50 million times as fast as previous photonic quantum computers.
With the combination of modern optics with computer technology and microelectronics technology, photonic computer will become a universal tool for human beings in the near future.
A photonic computer combines modern optics with computer technology and microelectronics technology.