Pitch Black is a movie released in 2000 and belongs to various genres, including horror film, action film, science fiction film, thriller film, and monster film. The film was founded by David P Porta, David C. Payne, and David Twohy. It was discontinued in 2002.
The movie has had several aliases, such as "Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis", "La batalla de Riddick: eclipse mortal", "Planet tame", and "Aperanto skotadi". It has also been associated with various mottos, including "A new species of terror", "Are you afraid of the dark? You will be...", "Fight Evil With Evil", and "There's only one rule: Stay in the light".
The film industry is the primary focus of Pitch Black. The movie includes key people such as Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser, and Claudia Black, among others. The company responsible for the movie is currently active.
Pitch Black is an instance of a creative work and a movie.