PomBase is a online database containing information about schizosaccharomyces pombe. It provides structural and functional annotation, literature curation, and access to datasets. Researchers study this yeast because it is generally considered a model species for studying conserved cell-level biological processes, such as cell division.
The platform can be accessed via browser and is updated daily. PomBase has several stated goals. The first is to support fission yeast researchers in their daily activities, such as creating hypotheses and experiment plants. The next goal is to promote and support fission yeast being used as a eukaryotic system due to its relevance to human biology. Another goal is to ensure that PomBase is community-oriented so that researchers can share ideas and findings, thus facilitating the progress in schizosaccharomyces pombe research and insights.
Users can search the platform using the search engine bar, an advanced search engine bar, genome bar, gene list, and other functions on the website. Gene names and datasets can also be submitted to become a part of the database as well as scientific literature.