The genus of small dinosaur
It is unknown that it was part of the diet of the animal. Based on the structure of the teeth, it can be assumed that Prenocephale was omnivorous or a large number of varied plants.
Robert Sullivan united Forminacephale, "Prenocephale" Edmontonensis and Sphaerotholus Goodwini with Asian Prenocephale Prenes in one common Prenocephale. He also believed that Tylocephale is a nursing taxon for Prenocephale, and SPHAEROTHOLUS BUCHOLTZAE - Junior Synonym "P." Edmontonensis [5]. All these genera have rows of bone thickening on scaly and dark bones.
PRENOCEPHALE is a member of the Pakhiceofalosauride family - a large group of roasting or omnivorous dinosaurs who live predominantly in a later chalk period.
Similar to the skull of the steepcerace, but with overgrown with a dark hole. In addition, Prenocephale has no grooves in suprarbital and prefortional areas. These and a number of other features are sufficient to separate Prenocephale from Stoeceras. Until recently, the North American genus SPHAEROTHOLUS was considered synonymous with Prenocephale (by Sullivan, 2003), but Longrich et al was separated. In 2010 and Schott and Evans in 2016, according to the results of claditional analysis [2]. HomaloCephale is considered as a possible synonym PRENOCEPHALE and a number of scientists believe that all samples of the first kind are juvenile (impaired) features of the second on the basis of a flat skull and coincidence of the place and time of habitat. New copies of Prenocephale, including a young person, show that HomaloCephale is a separate genus
Like some other pakhiceofalosaurs, Prenocephale is known only on the skull and several other bones. For this reason, the reconstruction of creatures are carried out on the basis of more complete remnants of close relatives: with a strong body, short thick necks, large rear and small front paws.
Adults weighed about 130 kg and reached the length of about 2.4 m. Unlike the flat and wedge-shaped skeleton of the HomaloCephale (a possible juvenile sign, which is also present at the Pakhiceofalosaur Growth Stages), Prenocephale's head is rounded and inclined. Along the edge of the skull dome there is a number of bone spikes and cones. Presumably, animal habitats were Mongolian alpine forests
The genus of small dinosaur
The genus of small dinosaur
The genus of small dinosaur-Pakhiceofalosaurid from the top chalk (Campan) of Mongolia. It was largely similar to his relative, HomaloCephale, which can be a challenge part
The genus of small dinosaur