Blockchain consensus algorithm that selects accounts with high influence -- (as determined by their liquidity and propagation) -- to be block validators and proposers.
Blockchain consensus algorithm that selects accounts with high influence -- (as determined by their liquidity and propagation) -- to be block validators and proposers.
Proof-of-devotion (PoD) is a blockchain consensus algorithm researched and developed by the team behind the Nebulas cryptocurrency.
PoD is similar to another consensus algorithm, proof-of-importance, because both use a sort of ranking system based on set criteria to determine who is eligible to validate and propose blocks. In PoD, eligibility is determined by how high of influence an account has, where influence is based on liquidity and propagation.
Algorithm steps:
Blockchain consensus algorithm that selects accounts with high influence -- (as determined by their liquidity and propagation) -- to be block validators and proposers.