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Proof-of-work 2.0 (PoW 2.0) is a Proof-of-Work (PoW) based blockchain system which achieves high transaction throughput through a hierarchy of merged mined blockchains, each operating in parallel on a partition the overall application state.
PoW 2.0 is faster, cheaper, and more eco-friendly than PoW. This is achieved by combining merged mining and sharding. In other words, a higher transaction throughput is achieved with the same amount of work by sharing the CPU power across multiple chains .
The major speed advantage of PoW 2.0 over PoW is achieved by using Blake3 hash function instead of SHA-256. Blake3 surpasses SHA-256 speed by over 10x while remaining highly secure. This is possible thanks Blake3 using a tree structure.
Exponential increase of on-chain blockspace in PoW 2.0 transforms the supply curve thus lowering transaction fees.
PoW 2.0 is built more eco-friendly in comparison with PoW by reducing the carbon footptint per transaction. This is achieved with the shared hashrate across several blockchains, highly optimised Blake3 hash function, and higher capacity for transactions.