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Q-Sensei is a provider of an enterprise platform designed to assist in interactive metadata search. The company's multidimensional index combines full-text search with complex algorithmic queries, working to ensure transparency and accuracy. Q-Sensei uses machine learning (ML) to extract attributes, generate facets, and where appropriate, merge facets of a similar kind and develop relationships between objects based on facets. The company focuses on metadata and develops systems to understand and navigate through the data at large.
Q-Sensei was formed in 2007 through a merger of German-based social knowledge network Lalisio and QUASM, a United States-based search technology company.
Q-Sensei's platform works to search through unstructured and structured data and offers search functions through these different types and sources of data. The intention is to let users find new relationships in the data and query data on multiple fronts. Q-Sensei works to develop nearly plug-and-play applications to help companies integrate and deploy with minimum assistance from Q-Sensei.
Q-Sensei's core product for enterprise users includes dashboards, outlier analysis, and event analysis. The company adds extra features to meet enterprise needs. These include continuous integration, delivery for unit integration, and integration test results to analyze changes across commits, branches, and releases.
The company offers security services that can correlate threats and threat actors. The company also offers data protection for the enterprise, including tools for meeting compliance needs and regulatory requirements and access rights management (ARM) by user, user group, data source, or data type.
The platform is intended to be scalable for enterprises, offering modules for analysis, comparative analysis, and anomaly detection. These are capable of being integrated and de-integrated as an enterprise needs. As well, the platform can activate supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement learning for data organization, entity extraction, and auto-filling.
The platform includes a suite of pre-built connectors to application logs, infrastructure metrics, and CSV files to help an enterprise upload live or historic data, which are then driven into the platform's advanced analytics suite. Through the company's dashboards, an enterprise can query the data to automate routine tasks with custom workflow, monitor data output, resolve data issues, and perform advanced analytics based on querying.
In March 2015, Q-Sensei launched the company's interactive dashboard in Verizon's Innovation Centers in San Francisco, California and Waltham, Massachusetts. The company indexed Twitter streams of the Fortune 1,000 companies and the dashboard allowed users to access visualizations to understand the data at a glance and interact with ways of exploring the data through the visualizations to offer insight into data trends.