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QURAS combines programmable smart contracts with flexible privacy features. Developers using QURAS can create their own privacy tokens, combine private transactions with public smart contracts, or use fully transparent transactions in public smart contracts.
QURAS (XQC) is a next generation blockchain that provides anonymous transactions with privacy protection. Blockchain allows users and developers to create smart contracts, custom tokens, and transactions in a way that keeps all data private and hidden.
QURAS combines programmable smart contracts with flexible privacy features. Developers using QURAS can create their own privacy tokens, combine private transactions with public smart contracts, or use fully transparent transactions in public smart contracts.
Historically, various encryption technologies such as blind signature and group signature have been widely used. Under such circumstances, QURAS blockchain accepted zero-knowledge proofs and ring signatures. With these developments, we can expect an expansion of blockchain use cases. These two privacy technologies can be used for different purposes according to the needs of the user. Zero-knowledge proof is suitable for data protection, while ring signature is suitable for privacy protection within a group such as e-voting, smart city and smart grid.

Using zero-knowledge proof, blockchain users can use a feature that can verify the signature of a group member without requiring them to identify themselves. Also, when using zero knowledge proof and ring signature, accepting a digital ID allows compliance with laws/regulations and real world use cases. Initially, the blockchain platform did not have administrators due to decentralization, however, by adding administrators to the ring signature in the blockchain platform, it became possible to handle centralized type use cases. QURAS applies the idea of the common good to economics.
Based on this idea, the system was created to distribute the transaction fees of smart contracts to projects using the QURAS platform. Despite the violent fluctuations of the cryptocurrency market, QURAS reduces the risk of project misoperation and contributes to the timely completion of project schedules. Ongoing support for those projects that use QURAS is protocol-based, which is believed to ultimately increase the overall value of QURAS. Thus, the QURAS philosophy is reflected in system design that benefits both the individual and the team, while pursuing what is good for the entire QURAS ecosystem, or, in other words, pursuing the common good.
According to Aristotle, private interest is pursued only in a deviant state, while in an ideal national government the common good is pursued, which benefits the entire population. Aristotle's political philosophy goes on to explain that every community in which people live together is organized with some good as its end, and the best community that strives for the best good is the nation. Such a nation was created for people to survive, but it exists more so that people live better.

The definition of the common good depends on the community and the origin of the individual. However, in order for the community to survive, there are common traditions, opinions and points of view that must be taken into account, as people carefully consider their attempts to create common benefits, not individual benefits. The common good does not mean the denial of individual rights and freedoms; rather, it is designed to complete them. In our time, it is a natural progress when this society adopts a pluralistic society in which different cultures and values coexist and individual rights are respected. is not ignored. Blockchain QURAS is a smart contract platform. If the idea of the common good is applied to the platform, it is necessary to take into account the users who transfer funds, the organizations that manage projects in QURAS and their project users, QURAS owners and market makers, QURAS consensus nodes, supporters of the QURAS platform and any influence. The platform also needs to have a system that offers appropriate incentive schemes and options that balance the rights and benefits of everyone.
In addition, QURAS supports anonymous technologies such as zero-knowledge proof and ring signature to protect privacy. However, because the range of use extends from money transfers only to smart contracts, it is necessary to discuss the relationship between privacy and the common good, taking into account the various possible impacts.
QURAS technology aims to protect user privacy. To protect the privacy of users, two main anonymous technologies are used - zero-knowledge proof and ring signature. These anonymous technologies protect user privacy during money transfers and when using smart contracts. The QURAS Platform Function Library is an excellent package library as developers can develop anonymous QURAS related applications/functions without knowledge of encryption technology.

According to the diagram above, there are Full Node, Light Node and Consensus Node in the QURAS blockchain.
To support the blockchain, a consensus node must exist. Consensus Node is the node that generates blocks in the blockchain. Transaction validation and smart contract execution are performed in the consensus node.
The role of the Full Node is to promote the verification and broadcast of the transactions that have taken place and act as a mechanism for the wallet and the website. The full knot is currently implemented using the zk-SNARKs algorithm. In other words, all kinds of transactions are possible.
Light Node can be thought of as a lightweight engine that can be used for Light Wallet for PC. Since Light Node does not download all the blocks in the block chain, it does not require large storage space. The Light Node is designed to be used on its own, so there are no unnecessary features and only the features needed by the wallet are implemented. Since Light Node does not download all the blocks in the block chain, it does not require large storage space. The Light Node is designed to be used on its own, so there are no unnecessary features and only the features needed by the wallet are implemented. Since Light Node does not download all the blocks in the block chain, it does not require large storage space. Light Node is designed to be used on its own, so there are no unnecessary features and only features implemented
Offline data storage is offered using a simple yet efficient method of storing torrent metadata in QURAS blocks, allowing torrent participants to use persistently available torrent metadata files for offline communication. This is especially useful in the field of big data, where decentralized torrent technologies can reduce the load on any single server.
Traditionally, torrenting is organized by a single public server from which participants download metafiles. Participants cannot organize work without this server, which reduces reliability. The data storage method consists of two parties: customers who pay for data storage, and participants who sell storage space on the network.
Clients. Customers can search the available storage list to find an acceptable storage provider by price or location. After selecting the Challenger, the Client can choose any type of file for storage and encrypt it using a special storage key. Once the file is prepared, the client uploads the file to the offeror, completing the transaction.
Offerors. Offerors can register the amount of storage they would like to provide to the storage network and set the price that customers must pay to rent storage space. After the client accepts the offer, the Offeror will receive an encrypted copy of the file for storage. Because the file is encrypted, the Offeror will not be able to see the contents of the file, protecting the privacy of the Client, and similarly, the Offeror is protected because any type of file can be safely stored without the risk of executing the file, since the file is encrypted.
The QURAS block explorer acts as an indexer of torrent metafiles and as a marketplace for the client-offerer. The Block Browser will exist as a web application and allow public comment in each block that is searched. This enables the community to recognize corrupted or malicious files in the public domain. All file storage fees are paid in XQG, which can be obtained through the various methods described in Section 4.
QURAS uses Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (TSdBFT) to maintain consensus between nodes. This mechanism was chosen for its efficiency by creating an additional layer of constrained consensus keeper that proposes blockchain states for the underlying nodes.
Consensus nodes are tasked with creating new blocks on the QURAS block chain for which full nodes can store and synchronize the consensus ledger among themselves after verification. Light wallets can reference the stored state of the blockchain on a full node in order to work. This option is ideal for interacting with the QURAS network on devices with a small amount of memory.