Emerging technology using quantum entanglement for remote sensing. Quantum radar offers potential improvements compared to conventional radar systems such as improved sensitivity in noisy thermal environments.
The first quantum radar prototype was designed by an international research team based at the international research team at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria in 2019. The paper published in May 2020 demonstrated a proof of concept for quantum radar, illuminating a room-temperature object at a distance of 1m. The system outperformed a classical radar system in the same conditions.
The potential increase in sensitivity due to quantum radar could improve the performance of military radar systems. Providing higher definition images of targets, allowing specific models of aircraft, missiles, and other targets to be identified. The higher sensitivity also results in a lower power signal used making it harder to detect by the target. Targets typically detect when they have been spotted by a radar system and deploy jamming systems to interrupt further tracking.
Emerging technology using quantum entanglement for remote sensing. Quantum radar offers potential improvements compared to conventional radar systems such as improved sensitivity in noisy thermal environments.
Quantum illumination utilizes quantum-mechanically entangled beams of light. Quantum entanglement is a feature of quantum mechanics where a correlation of quantum statesquantum states exists between a pair or group of particles even when separated by large distances.
The low power non-invasive properties of quantum radar systems offers potential applications in medicine. Dr Stefano Pirandola, of the University’s Department of Computer ScienceComputer Science and the York Centre for Quantum Technologies stated:
Research into quantum radar technology has been ongoing since 2002 by US defense company Lockheed Martin and US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa). In the United KingdomUnited Kingdom, a study by defense company Qinetiq is testing the feasibility of using quantum metrology in radar and lidar systems.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) the largest defense company in ChinaChina claims it has developed a quantum radar system. No evidence has been provided to support this claim and it has been dismissed by experts in the field.
Research into quantum radar technology has been ongoing since 2002 by US defense company Lockheed Martin and US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa). In the United Kingdom, a study by defense company QinetiqQinetiq is testing the feasibility of using quantum metrology in radar and lidar systems.
A February 2015 paper described achieving quantum illumination after converting visible photons to microwave wavelengths (capable of use in a radar system). The method used an electro-optomechanical converter. toThis coupledevice withcan 2generate wavelengthmicrowave-optical rangesentanglement for the signal beam and convert microwaves into an optical beam for the detection of reflected photons.
The potential increase in sensitivity due to quantum radar could improve the performance of military radar systems. Providing higher definition images of targets allowing specific models of aircraft, missiles, and other targets to be identified. The higher sensitivity also results in a lower power signal used making it harder to detect by the target. Targets typically detect when they have been spotted by a radar system and deploy jamming systems to interrupt further tracking.
The low power non-invasive properties of quantum radar systems offers potential applications in medicine. Dr Stefano Pirandola, of the University’s Department of Computer Science and the York Centre for Quantum Technologies stated:
Such a non-invasive property is particularly important for short-range biomedical applications. In the long-term, the scheme could be operated at short distances to detect the presence of defects in biological samples or human tissues in a completely non-invasive fashion, thanks to the use of a low number of quantum-correlated photons. Our method could be used to develop non-invasive NMR spectroscopy of fragile proteins and nucleic acids. In medicine, these techniques could potentially be applied to magnetic resonance imaging, with the aim of reducing the radiation dose absorbed by patients.
August 2016