SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Resonado will develop a Next Generation Headset System, utilizing its latest acoustic innovation, FCS Micro Transducer technology, which enables improved reliability, reduced bulkiness, and clearer communication for headsets. This will provide concise, clear communications between aircrew and ground crew, mitigating loss of transmission and increasing effectiveness for operations. We held numerous conversations with the end-user and customer, 1FW and 94SF, to determine the specific mission needs and adaptations needed to be incorporated into the Next Generation Headset System. The five objectives for technical development are: Improve communication capabilities for warfighters, especially in crucial situations Enable 100% mission success via extremely reliable solution Remove any health concerns via improved hearing protection through advanced active noise reduction and cancellation technologies Reduce fatigue via smaller, lighter, and user-efficient systems with microphone stowage capability and adjustable headband that does not present foreign object hazards 5. Increase chance of mission success through clearer and more accurate audio Resonado will work with Safariland to engineer their Micro Transducer Technology into the headset and deliver a unique version to meet the Airman maintenance personnel need. While initially a collaborative prototype effort with the 94th FS at Langley AFB, this could prove to be a medium-term replacement across all maintenance squadrons within the USAF and beyond. Long-term, this solution can be adopted across the entire defense industry for all application using headsets, from fighter jet pilots to those in mission command.