SBIR/STTR Award attributes
A primary critical hardware need that is common to all atomic quantum sensors ndash; including atomic clocks, inertial sensors, gravimeters, and electromagnetic sensors ndash; is laser and laser-frequency-stabilization subsystems for the specific manipulation of atoms and readout in the quantum sensor that is in a portable form factor and operational in real-world and harsh environments on sea, land, air, and space.nbsp;nbsp; Technical challenges remain to maintaining high frequency stability, frequency control, with lower SWaP form factors required for laser and frequency-stabilizationnbsp;subsystems while operating in real-world and harsh environments.nbsp;In this effort Rydberg technologiesnbsp;will evaluate architectures for optimal atomic frequency-stabilization of a frequency-agile 510-nm coupler laser that uses electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) signal from a modulated alkali gas cell to both (1) frequency-stabilize the coupler laser to lt;100 kHz (10 kHz goal) during signal reception operation and (2) provide frequency-agility with wavelength tuning over nanometers to access Rydberg levels and S-band and K-band RF transitions. In this effort to realize QRR-ready multi-color tunable Rydberg laser packages, we will exploit the fact that atom-based vapor-cell saturation and Rydberg-EIT spectroscopies offer stabilization approaches that provide mechanical and thermal robustness, as well as compactness. These are critical features that cannot be met with SOTA ultra-stable cavity references. The proposed atomic Rydberg-EIT laser lock seamlessly dovetails with the QRR sensors and hybrid electrode-integrated vapor-cell detectors because both types of cells are similar and use the same atomic transitions, ensuring laser frequency locks that are drift-free and free of laser-frequency-shifting schemes that are complex and/or not sufficiently agile.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;