IT'S RARE,IT'S PEPE.Welcome, future Kekistanian.The hidden artifacts and treasures along the way will become more rare the deeper into Kekistan you trek.
IT'S RARE,IT'S PEPE.Welcome, future Kekistanian.The hidden artifacts and treasures along the way will become more rare the deeper into Kekistan you trek.
IT'S RARE,IT'S PEPE.Welcome, future Kekistanian.The hidden artifacts and treasures along the way will become more rare the deeper into Kekistan you trek.
Useless erc-20 token? Hell no.
The ancient scroll to the right, dubbed 'The Road to Kekistan', is believed to be the only uncovered piece scribed by memers of the
Kekistanian Upper Echelon. It has survived the test of time, and hidden within it are clues to what some of these treasures are.
IT'S RARE,IT'S PEPE.Welcome, future Kekistanian.The hidden artifacts and treasures along the way will become more rare the deeper into Kekistan you trek.