Raspberry ( Rubus idaeus ) is a wild or cultivated perennial shrub of the order Rosaceae, reaching a height of up to 2 meters . Its fruit is called by the same name.
There are about 320 species.
The root of the raspberry does not go to great depths and is actually a rhizome from which many stems called shoots grow .
The stem of the raspberry is straight and covered with dark red thorns. The leaves are consecutive, unpaired. There are many buds on the stem, from which small white flowers bloom, gathered in clustered inflorescences. The order of flowering is as follows: first the flowers bloom at the top, and then the others, in sequence from top to bottom. Raspberry flowering lasts one month . Its white flowers are preferred by bees to all fruit plants . Although small, they provide abundant nectar - a good honey plant. When the last flowers have bloomed, the long rounded red fruits are already ripening at the top of the stem.
The fruit of the raspberry is very complex - it is formed by numerous small stone fruits, adhering to each other, juicy and fragrant. In each fruit there is a small fragile seed that is edible. The fruits contain 4.56 - 4.67% sugar, 1.13 - 1.96% free acids (citric, malic), vitamin C (up to 45 mg), carotene and others. Raspberries are sweet in taste, and from them are obtained various products - jam, syrup, jelly, marmalade , jam . They are also used in medicine and as a spice.
It is grown in temperate climates, mainly in Europe and the United States . In the wild raspberries are found in Europe, Asia , South America , in temperate, tropical and subtropical climates.
Thanks to its valuable qualities, raspberries are becoming more widespread in Bulgaria and already occupy large areas. It is grown almost everywhere. More common varieties are Vilamet, Marlboro, Prussia, Newburg and others. and the Bulgarian varieties Rubin, Samodiva, Lyulin, Shopska Alena and "№ 195". In the wild it grows mainly on the northern slopes of the mountains. 800 - 900 kg of fruit are obtained from one decare of raspberry bushes. Record yields are significantly higher - up to 1500 kg per decare.
Healing properties
Raspberries, raw
(Nutritional value per 100 g product)
Amino acids
The percentages are relative to the recommended
daily dose in the United States. [1]
Raspberries quench thirst and improve digestion, so they are used in dietary nutrition, especially in children. Thanks to salicylic acid, which is found in fruits, raspberries are also used to lower the temperature. However, patients with gout and nephritis should not use them for food due to their high content of purine bases.
Botanical description
Common raspberry is a deciduous subshrub with a perennial rhizome , from which two-year aerial stems 1.5–2.5 m high develop.
The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots forming a powerful branched system.
Stems erect. Shoots of the first year are herbaceous, green with a bluish bloom, juicy, covered with thin, usually frequent miniature thorns . In the second year, the shoots become stiff and turn brown , dry up immediately after fruiting, but new stems grow from the same root the next year.
The leaves are oval, alternate, petiolate, compound, with 3-7 ovate leaflets, dark green above, whitish below, pubescent with small hairs.
The flowers are white, about 1 cm across, collected in small racemose inflorescences , located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. Petals shorter than calyx. In central Russia, raspberries bloom from June to July, sometimes until August.
The fruits are small, hairy drupes fused at the receptacle to form a compound fruit. The fruits are usually red (from pink to rich burgundy ), but there are varieties of yellow and even black ( blackberry ) . Fruit usually appears in the second year. In the first year, only two flower buds are laid on the replacement shoots in the axils of the leaves , from which fruit twigs grow in the second year . In the southern regions, fruits also appear on the shoots of the first year in mid- autumn .. There are also remontant raspberry varieties adapted to the conditions of central Russia, capable of bearing fruit on the shoots of the first year .
Chemical composition
Fruits contain up to 11% sugars (glucose, fructose, pentose), traces of essential oil , pectin and protein substances , mucus; vitamins C , A , B ; 1-2% organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic , etc.), alcohols (tartaric, isoamyl), ketones (acetoin, diacetyl, β-ionone), anthocyanin cyanine, catechins (d-catechin, l-epigallocatechin) ; up to 0.3% tannins
Seeds contain up to 22% fatty oil .
Meaning and application
Main article: Raspberry (berry)
Raspberries are consumed both fresh and frozen or used to make jam , jelly , marmalade , juices , as well as berry puree. Raspberry wines , liqueurs , tinctures , liqueurs have high taste qualities.
Raspberry fruit ( Latin Fructus Rubiidaei ) is used as a medicinal raw material . The fruits are harvested mature, without pedicels and receptacle. Dry after preliminary drying in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, spreading the raw material in a thin layer on fabric or paper [6] . In medicine , dried fruits are used as a diaphoretic, syrup - to improve the taste of potions .
In cosmetology , raspberry seed oil (oil from raspberry seeds) is used, which is obtained by first cold pressing without further refining. This oil is suitable for all types of facial skin, including the area around the eyes and lips, for the decollete and skin of the hands (cuticles and nails), as well as for hair. [ source not specified 157 days ]
In folk medicine , fruits and leaves are used for colds, flu, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic .
Honey plant . Due to the fact that the raspberry flower is tilted down, the nectar bee is, as it were, under a natural canopy and can work even during a light warm rain. From nectar collected from 1 hectare of flowering forest raspberries, bees receive 70 kg of honey, and from 1 hectare of garden raspberries - 50 kg . Raspberry honey contains 41.34% levulose and 33.57% glucose , has a pleasant smell and taste . Bees, collecting nectar, increase the yield of raspberries by 60-100% .
Summer fruits are the bear's favorite food . Berries in August and September are eaten by hazel grouse . It is eaten by deer and cattle, goats, sheep, sometimes pigs, horses do not eat [8] .
The leaves can serve as a substitute for tea . They are crushed by hand, the leaves secrete juice and turn black, and then they are dried in the oven.
Some varieties
Raspberry varieties have been known since the 16th century.
"890-20". Breeding Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. M. A. Lisavenko . Bush up to one meter, strong shoots, no thorns. The fruits are large, up to 5 g, round, bright red, very sweet, dessert taste. A variety of medium late ripening.
"Balm" = ('Newburg' × 'Bulgarian ruby'). Bush up to 1.8 meters tall, erect, sprawling. Fruits 2.5-2.8 g, wide-conical, dense, dark purple, with a well-detachable stalk, good taste. A variety of medium early ripening, winter-hardy. Productivity up to 2.2 kg per bush.
"Brilliant" = ('Cumberland' × 'Molling Landmark'). Breeding Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. M. A. Lisavenko. The height of the bush is 1.3-1.5 meters. Shoots are medium-sized, flexible, with a drooping top. Spikes only at the bottom. The fruits are large 2.6-5.6 g, dense, black, shiny, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The variety is self-fertile, medium-early ripening, with extended fruiting, medium-yielding, winter-hardy, drought -resistant . Resistance to fungal diseases and pests is high.
" Hussar " Kazakov I. V., an early variety of universal purpose.
"Yellow fruit". The bush is medium tall, closer to powerful, semi-spreading with numerous shoots. Fruits are yellow, medium-large, round-oblong (from 2.0 to 3.6 g). Medium-early ripening variety. Winter-hardy, not affected by fungal diseases and raspberry mites. Origin: seedling of "Ordinary from Nikolsk".
" Skromnitsa " Kazakov I.V., a variety of medium ripening, universal purpose.
" Patricia " Kichina V.V. , 1992 - large-fruited variety.
Remontant raspberries are a group of raspberry varieties that are distinguished by their ability to bear fruit on both biennial and annual shoots.
" Indian summer " = ('Kostinbrodskaya' × 'Kuzmin's news'). The height of the bush is 1-1.5 meters, the shoots are erect, slightly sprawling, with spiny, strongly branching shoots of medium thickness. The fruits are medium-sized 2.1-3.0 g, truncated-conical, red, of good quality, refreshing taste, located along the entire length of the lateral branches. Tasting score 4.5 points . The fruits are suitable for freezing. Winter-hardy, remontant variety of medium-late ripening (second decade of August), average yield (about 1 kg per bush).
" Brilliant " Kazakov I.V. , remontant variety.
" Crane " Kazakov I.V., remontant variety of universal purpose.
Pennisetia hylaeiformis Lasp. (syn. Bembecia hylaeiformis ) - Raspberry glass . A butterfly with a contrastingly colored bluish-black body, with transparent glassy wings, somewhat resembles a wasp . The pupa is brown. Track length up to 30 mm . The caterpillars hibernate inside the stems at their base. Since spring, they actively feed, eating away their core. Having completed development, they turn into pupae inside the passages, having previously made several holes for the butterflies to exit. Butterflies appear in June - July and lay their eggs on the soil near the bases of the stems. The caterpillars emerging from the eggs bite into the stems and roots, causing swelling on them. Damaged stems bear little fruit, dry out, break at the base.
As a preventive measure, careful low cutting and burning of damaged and withered shoots and timely removal of fruit-bearing stems are recommended .
Distribution: Amur Oblast , southern Khabarovsk Krai , Sakhalin Oblast , Primorsky Krai ; forest and forest-steppe zones. — Moderate Eurasia .
Chortophila dentiens Pand. - Raspberry Stem Fly
Resseliella theobaldi Barnes - Raspberry gall midge
Macropsis fuscula Zett. This species of leafhoppers spends the winter in the egg stage inside the tissues of the stems near the lateral buds on cultivated and wild raspberries, and is a carrier of the outgrowth virus
Bud damage
Anthonomus rubi Hbst. — Raspberry-strawberry weevil [18]
Fruit damage
Byturus tomentosus - Crimson, or raspberry beetle . Adult beetles and larvae damage berries and flowers. The beetles hibernate in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm near raspberry bushes. At the end of wintering, they feed on stamens and pistils of flowers of various plants, and then they switch to raspberries, eating young leaves and gnawing out the contents of the buds. Oviposition is carried out on young leaves, and then in blooming flowers. The larvae feed on fruit, and sometimes on drupes, which is why in everyday life the berries are called "wormy". Pupation of larvae occurs in the soil [19] .
Lampronia corticella L. (syn. Lampronia rubiella Bjerkander ) - Prooxide raspberry moth . The forewings are 5-7 mm long, gray-brown with a violet tint, decorated with golden-yellow spots of various sizes, of which the two largest are adjacent to the posterior margin. Antennae are short. Eurasian forest view. Butterflies fly during the day, at the end of June and July. Caterpillars live on raspberries [20] .
Kidney damage
Incurvaria rubiella Bjerk. - Raspberry bud moth . A small moth with a yellow head. Wingspan 11-14 mm. The forewings are purplish-brown, shiny with yellow flecks. The hindwings are gray with a black silvery fringe. Winters as a caterpillar in small white dense cocoons.under the loose bark of old raspberry stems, in stumps or on the surface of the soil. In early spring, the caterpillars emerge from their cocoons and penetrate the raspberry buds. Damaged buds dry up, only single leaves develop. Feeding on the contents of the kidney, the caterpillar gnaws its way to the middle of the shoot. Having finished feeding, it pupates in the middle of the shoot or inside the kidney. Pupae brown, 5-8 mm. After a few days, butterflies emerge from the pupae. Flight occurs during the flowering period of raspberries. Eggs are laid one in each flower. Caterpillars feed on fruiting berries until they begin to ripen, and then stop developing, descend to the base of the shoots and enter diapause .
Leaf damage
Tetranychus urticae C.L.Koch — Common spider mite
Eriophyes gracilis Nal. - Raspberry mite . During bud break, this type of mites can be found on the underside of the leaves. With a strong accumulation of mites, the leaf becomes covered with pale green oily spots, the shape of the leaf becomes ugly. Adult females hibernate under bud scales .
Amphorophora rubi Kalt. - leaf aphid
Aphis idaei - Raspberry aphid . Body ovoid, 1.8-2.1 mm long. Light, yellowish green, greenish white. The tubes and tail are light. Antennae reach ½ body length. It settles on the underside of the leaf. Does not cause noticeable deformation of the leaves. Occurs in June-August .
Root damage
Tipula paludosa
In culture
In Russian folklore, raspberries (a symbol of a sweet free life - Not life, but raspberries ) - the antipode of viburnum (a symbol of deceptive beauty, bitter share, bondage): foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberry. Raspberry Motherland is will, freedom, a wide and open space without end and edge, which corresponds to Russian ideas about a good, real life, and foreign land-viburnum is a deceptively beautiful life that turns into bitter bondage [24] .
In thieves' jargon , the word "raspberry" means a brothel . In this meaning, the image of a raspberry entered the text of the song " Murka ". However, there is a version that the image of a raspberry as a brothel arose under the influence of the Russification of the Jewish designation of the hotel malon - from the Hebrew melina (“bunker, refuge, shelter”) or meluna (“kennel”) through Yiddish
The novel by the German writer Ingeborg Bachmann is called Raspberry .
Raspberry is mentioned in some famous songs in Russian: " Kalinka-Malinka " - the second name of the song "Kalinka", which was considered folk for a long time; "Berry-raspberry" - song, music by V. Dobrynin , text by M. Plyatskovsky .
See also
crimson tree