Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Meaning for man
Iguan meat and eggs are used in food by the local population, and the skin is used to produce various crafts. In this regard, the iguana is the object of fishery. Ordinary Iguano often contains as a pet.
Inhabit predominantly in tropical forests, where they are mainly a woody lifestyle. Most of the time spend in the crown on the branches of trees. Usually settled near the reservoirs and in danger are hidden in water, sometimes jumping from a high height. Well swim and dive.
Purbittons. Feed on with leaves, shoots and fruits of various plants. Only occasionally can eat animal food - invertebrate and small vertebrates.
Egglades. In masonry 20-70 eggs. The incubation period lasts 65-115 days.
Real Iguans are very large lizards, in rare cases reaching lengths more than 2 m. They are characterized by a large head, markedly flattened from the sides of the body, long stronger limbs and a very long tail. On the back and the front half of the tail along the ridge there is a tall comb, under the lower jaw, a hanging flat thorny bag is developed, also equipped with a crest at the front edge.
Distributed in America from Mexico south through Central and South America to Paraguay and South Brazil, as well as on the Small Antilles.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.
Real Iguanas (Lat. Iguana) - the genus of large wood lizards of the Iguanov family.