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RebelBio was one of several SOSV-backed startup accelerators, and focused on biotech, healthtech, and life sciences. RebelBio offered funding, co-working space, mentorship, and access to the RebelBio network of alumni, investors, corporate partners, and media partners. RebelBio began in 2014 in Cork, Ireland and relocated to the Imperial College of London in 2018 for a more business-friendly environment. It merged with SOSV’s IndieBio brand in 2020 and is now based in New York City.
During RebelBio's accelerator program, startup teams competed to be selected. Once selection was complete, each team member was referred to as a "rebel" for the duration of the program. The teams headed to Imperial College London for RebelBio's three-month accelerator program. Their accelerator program encouraged scientists to participate, and attempted to transform them into entrepreneurs. Each accelerator cohort finished with Investor Month, a month where teams get to pitch their businesses to investors in hope of receiving more funding and create important business connections.
RebelBio's first cohort in 2014 consisted of: Afineur, Hyasynth, Kilobaser, and Perfect Day.
RebelBio's second cohort in 2015 consisted of: Aranex Biotech, BioCellection, GlowDx, PILI, Prospective Research Inc., Saphium, Sothic Bioscience.
RebelBio's third cohort in 2016 consisted of: Anu Dairy, Cell Reserves Inc, Chinova Bioworks, The Banana Chronicle, Helixworks, Hexafly, Magenta Biolabs, MicroSynbiotiX, MilisBio, Moirai Biodesign, Spira, and Unibiome.
RebelBio's fourth cohort in 2017 consisted of: Alternative Plants, Canuevo Biotech, Cell Free Tech, CyCa OncoSolutions, Hemoalgae, Galactica Biotech, Khonsu Therapeutics, NuLeaf Tech, OaCP S.R.L, Phyteau, Plantedit, SwaLife Biotech, and VALANX Biotech.
RebelBio's fifth cohort in 2018 consisted of: Algiknit, Biomimetic Solutions, Caura, Chronomics, DaekiTech, Encelo Laboratories, Magellan Life Sciences, NeuroCreate, Visusnano Ltd, and VivoKey.