The Red Army is the official name of the types of armed forces: the ground forces and the air force.
The Red Army, also known as the Soviet Union's military force, was founded on January 28, 1918. Its establishment was a collaborative effort by key figures such as Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin, Mikhail Frunze, Blucher Vasily, and Georgy Zhukov. The Red Army served the Soviet Union and was involved in the industry of Armed Forces & Society.
Throughout its history, the Red Army had several subsidiaries, including the 7th Guards Cavalry Corps, 19th Army (Soviet Union), 9th Army (Soviet Union), 4th Army (Soviet Union), and the 11th Army (Soviet Union). The company's status is currently closed.
Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) - the formation of the armed forces, the ground forces of the RSFSR in 1918-1922 and the ground component of the armed forces of the USSR in 1922-1946 (from 1917 to February 1918 - the Red Guard, in the period from November 1939 gradually all controls and the official name were changed from the Red Army to KA (Red Army), since 1946 - the Soviet Army)
When the Bolsheviks seized power in October 1917, the Red Guards constituted their only military force. Comprised mainly of armed industrial workers and former soldiers, the Red Guards contained as many as 200,000 men with one-sixth of this number located in Petrograd.
Though loyal to the Bolshevik cause, the Red Guards were untrained and lacking in military discipline and combat experience. The threat of continued war with Germany, combined with rising opposition to the new regime, demanded a larger, more professional standing army. The Sovnarkom responded by decreeing the formation of the Red Army in January 1918.
In its first weeks, the new Red Army was a volunteer force organised along socialist lines. Its members wore no ranks or insignia and its officers were elected democratically. Needless to say, this did little to improve control, organisation or discipline.
History of the Red Army
On January 15, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" was published.
On January 10, 1918, a document was signed in Kharkov on the formation of the Red Cossacks, headed by V. M. Primakov, which soon became part of the Red Army.
Leaflet with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland in Danger" dated February 21, 1918.
On February 23 (N.S.), 1918, the appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of February 21 “The socialist fatherland is in danger!” Was published, as well as the “Appeal of the Military Commander-in-Chief” N. V. Krylenko.
Governing bodies
The supreme governing body of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (since the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR). The leadership and management of the army was concentrated in the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, in the special All-Russian Collegium created under it, since 1923 the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR, since 1937 the Defense Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. In 1919-1934, the Revolutionary Military Council carried out direct command of the troops. In 1934, to replace it, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR was formed.
In the conditions of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, on June 23, 1941, the Headquarters of the Supreme Command was formed (from July 10, 1941 - the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, from August 8, 1941 - the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command). From February 25, 1946, until the collapse of the USSR, the armed forces were controlled by the USSR Ministry of Defense (the Central Office was reorganized on February 14, 1992 into the corresponding ministry of Russia).
Military authorities
The direct leadership of the Red Army is carried out by the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR (Union) (RVS) (formed on September 6, 1918), headed by the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the RVS.
People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs - a committee consisting of:
People's Commissars for Military and Naval Affairs:
The Central Office of the Red Army consists of the following main bodies:
On August 15, 1925, the Military Chemical Directorate was established under the head of supply of the Red Army (in August 1941, the "Chemical Defense Directorate of the Red Army" was renamed the "Main Military Chemical Directorate of the Red Army"). In January 1918, the Council of Armored Units (“Tsentrobron”) was created, and in August 1918, the Central, and then the Main Armor Directorate. In 1929, the Central Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army was created, in 1937 it was renamed the Armored Directorate of the Red Army, and in December 1942, the Directorate of the Commander of Armored and Mechanized Forces was formed.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). Yaroslavl, Moscow, Orlovsky, Belomorsky, Ural and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
History of the Red Army
On January 15, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" was published.
On January 10, 1918, a document was signed in Kharkov on the formation of the Red Cossacks, headed by V. M. Primakov, which soon became part of the Red Army.
Leaflet with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland in Danger" dated February 21, 1918.
On February 23 (N.S.), 1918, the appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of February 21 “The socialist fatherland is in danger!” Was published, as well as the “Appeal of the Military Commander-in-Chief” N. V. Krylenko.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). YaroslavlYaroslavl, MoscowMoscow, Orlovsky, BelomorskyBelomorsky, UralUral and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil WarCivil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
History of the Red Army
On January 15, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" was published.
On January 10, 1918, a document was signed in Kharkov on the formation of the Red Cossacks, headed by V. M. Primakov, which soon became part of the Red Army.
Leaflet with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland in Danger" dated February 21, 1918.
On February 23 (N.S.), 1918, the appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of February 21 “The socialist fatherland is in danger!” Was published, as well as the “Appeal of the Military Commander-in-Chief” N. V. Krylenko.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). Yaroslavl, Moscow, Orlovsky, Belomorsky, Ural and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil WarCivil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). Yaroslavl, Moscow, Orlovsky, Belomorsky, UralUral and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). Yaroslavl, Moscow, Orlovsky, BelomorskyBelomorsky, Ural and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). Yaroslavl, MoscowMoscow, Orlovsky, Belomorsky, Ural and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.
By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 4, 1918, the territory of the Republic was divided into 11 military districts (VO). YaroslavlYaroslavl, Moscow, Orlovsky, Belomorsky, Ural and Volga Military Districts were formed in May 1918 during the Civil War. At the head of the troops located on the territory of the military districts was the Military Council of the district, the chairman of which was the commander of the troops of the given district. The leadership of the troops, as well as the military commissariats in the military districts, was carried out through the headquarters, the political department of the district and the departments of the chiefs of the armed forces and services. Over time, the number of military districts changed.