Reformation is a women's fashion company aimed at designing sustainable clothing and accessories.
Reformation is a clothing company with a focus on fashion and sustainability. The company's headquarters and factory are based in Vernon, near downtown LasLos Angeles, California. Reformation takes inspiration from vintage styles in many of their designs and aspires to use sustainable practices, aiming to reach carbon positivity by 2025, meaning2025—meaning they are working towards removing more than they emit. Reformation uses eco-friendly materials, recycled fabrics, and refurbished vintage clothing in the creation of their limited edition clothing lines. All clothes are manufactured, packaged, and designed in their LA location. As of 2021, they currently have 24twenty-four store locations.
Hali Borenstein has been CEO at Reformation since June 2020, thoughand sheprior hadto that served multiple directing and executive positions since joining reformationReformation in 2014. Formerly, the company was run by founder Yael Aflalo. ReformationsReformation's current Creativecreative Directordirector is Ludvig Frossen, and theirthe current Artart Directordirector is Rachel Drake. Kathleen Abbot is the companiescompany's Chiefchief Sustainabilitysustainability Officerofficer. Reformation employs over 500 people.
The company was founded in 2009 by Yael Aflalo, and was originally a vintage clothing retail shop. Yael Aflalo had previously run her own clothing brand YaYa; Aflalo founded reformation in order to create a more sustainable approach to fashion after her experience seeing the environmental impacts of the industry. Reformation opened America’s first sustainable factory in 2013, located in downtown Los Angeles. In 2015, in order to support their eco friendly claims the company created and began publishing RefScale, which includes a variety of reports to track their environmental footprint in comparison to that of other clothing producers. They also launched Ref Recycle, a clothing recycling program to support circular fashion. The company began publishing official sustainability reports in 2017, these are available on their website. Reformation opened its first stores outside of the US in Toronto and London in July of 2019.
The company was founded in 2009 by Yael Aflalo and was originally a vintage clothing retail shop. She also previously ran her own clothing brand, YaYa, and founded Reformation to create a more sustainable approach to fashion, after her experience seeing the environmental impacts of the industry.
Reformation opened a sustainable clothing factory in 2013, located in downtown Los Angeles. In 2015, in order to support their eco friendly claims, the company created and began publishing RefScale, a variety of reports to track their environmental footprint in comparison to that of other clothing producers. They also launched Ref Recycle, a clothing recycling program to support circular fashion. The company began publishing official sustainability reports in 2017, which are available on their website. Reformation opened its first stores outside of the US in Toronto and London in July of 2019.