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Founded in 2004 by brothers Andrew and Philip King, Regal Funds Management is an alternative investment management firm. They manage a number of investment strategies and offer investment management and advisory services to other investment companies.
Regal Funds Management manages their funds through fundamental research to find shares they believe are undervalued and expected to rise in price and to sell shares they believe are overvalued, or shorting shares. They work to identify macro factors and trends which would affect their long-short investment strategy and seek to identify any catalysts which may change the market's perception of the valuation of any company. This takes shape in a four step approach.

Regal Funds Management has various funds with individual investment strategies. These include the Regal Investment Fund (ASX: RF1) which has a market cap of AUD$302 million and aims to gain exposure to alternative investment strategies.
The Regal Long Short Australian Equity Fund which invests using a long-short approach to benefit investors from the rise and fall in value of selected companies and has had an annualized return of 13.9% since inception.
Their Atlantic Absolute Return fund uses high risk investment to achieve high levels of return, and has achieved an annualized return of 35.1% since inception.
The Tasman Market Neutral Fund aims to achieve returns with low correlation to equity markets and moderate risk, and has achieved an annualized return of 15.3% since inception.
Their Regal Australian Long Short Equity Fund which uses a long-short approach to use the rise and fall in value of Australian companies to deliver returns, of which the fund has achieved an annualized return of 16.5% since inception.
Their Regal Australian Small Companies Fund which uses a long-short approach to invest in selected Australian small companies, and has achieved an annualized return of 35.1% since inception.
The Regal Emerging Companies Strategy Fund which seeks investment in emerging Australian companies to achieve pre-IPO returns. The fund has a current net asset value of AUD$344 million.
The Regal Global Equity Income Fund seeks to generate positive returns through the risk premium in options and securities and managing the potential risks through the investment cycle. The fund has achieved an annualized return of 6.8% since inception.
The Kilter Rural Funds invests in Australian farmland, water and ecosystem assets, which has a portfolio of AUD$440 million and manages three active funds: The Murray-Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund, the Kilter Water Fund and the Australian Farmlands Funds.
The Amazon Market Neutral Fund is an international investment fund which seeks to achieve moderate returns with moderate risk from a portfolio of long and short equity positions. The fund has achieved an annualized return of 13% since inception.
The Zambezi Absolute Return Fund seeks high returns through an aggressive investment approach with high risk. The fund has achieved an annualized return of 23.9% since inception.