Breakthrough wireless power with 5x higher performance for faster charging, easier alignment, and higher efficiency.
Breakthrough wireless power with 5x higher performance for faster charging, easier alignment, and higher efficiency.
In 2012 at Dartmouth College, Prof. Charles Sullivan invented a new approach to wireless charging: the multilayer self-resonant structure (MSRS). A few years later, Phyo (2014) and Aaron (2016) joined Charlie’s lab as a Ph.D. student and post-doctoral fellow, respectively, and together, they transformed the MSRS from concept into reality. Their first prototype had 6x lower losses than similarly-sized coils in the literature and was published at APEC in 2017, where it won the Best Paper Award.
At the same time, Grayson and Prof. Juan Rivas at Stanford were developing multi-MHz power electronics for wireless charging, and won a NASA iTech Award for opportunity wireless charging around this technology. Aaron, Phyo, and Grayson met at a power electronics conference in Italy, kicked off an academic partnership to combine the technologies, and together demonstrated the highest power-density wireless charging system ever reported.
Grayson, Phyo, Charlie, and Aaron founded Resonant Link in 2017 to bring this high-performance wireless power to mission-critical applications. Today, just a few short years later, Resonant Link provides wireless power for multiple Fortune 500 companies and leading government agencies.
Breakthrough wireless power with 5x higher performance for faster charging, easier alignment, and higher efficiency.