SBIR/STTR Award attributes
As SMC 2.0 expands software development capabilities and adopts DevOps processes, it’s imperative that Design Operations (DesignOps) be integrated into those processes. SMC is plagued with highly diverse software solutions and inconsistent user interfaces that are complex and require extensive training, leading to inefficiencies and errors. Broadening and scaling development teams within SMC 2.0 and its partners will only exacerbate this problem. Commercial enterprises have solved these issues using DesignOps in addition to their DevOps. For over 25-years Rocket Communications, a leading commercial enterprise UX Design consultancy, has been supporting enterprise DesignOps with professional processes and tools. Rocket is already using its DesignOps system with SMC’s EGS program and proposes to demonstrate how it can be applied at a broader level across SMC 2.0 to dramatically improve application UX design quality and increase development speed. Rocket intends on extending its DesignOps system to SMC DesignOps (SPADOPS). This Phase I project will focus on identifying and investigating the key areas of SMC 2.0, including Operations and Programs, to initiate the creation of SMC 2.0 SPADOPS, including processes and tools.