Russian Youtuber and travel-blogger
Ruslan Usachev (real name - Ruslan Eduardovich Vikhlyantsev; born in May 20, 1989, Leningrad, now St. Petersburg) - Russian video blogger, presenter, traveler, artist and travel organizer. follows the screenwriter of the travel show "It's time to go!", As well as the founder and organizer of the Russian national festival of the video bloggers "Vidfest". Member of the ClickClack(КликКлак) YouTube project also. ex-member of the media portal "Thank you, Eva!"(Спасибо, Ева!).
Russian youtuber
Russian Youtuber and travel-blogger
Ruslan Usachev (real name - Ruslan Eduardovich Vikhlyantsev; born in May 20, 1989, Leningrad, now St. Petersburg) - Russian video blogger, presenter, traveler, artist and travel organizer. follows the screenwriter of the travel show "It's time to go!", As well as the founder and organizer of the Russian national festival of the video bloggers "Vidfest". Member of the ClickClack(КликКлак) YouTube project also. ex-member of the media portal "Thank you, Eva!"(Спасибо, Ева!).
Russian blogeryoutuber
Russian bloger
Russian Youtuber and travel-blogger