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The Lazio Fan Token (LAZIO) is a BEP-20 utility token and cryptocurrency that can be bought and sold on the Binance Fan Token platform as well as other platforms such as and BitTurk. It is meant to be obtained by fans of the S.S. Lazio soccer team, and having LAZIO tokens allows them to become more active with the team and other fans. With the tokens, fans can engage in activities such as voting in team polls, hunting digital collectibles, and purchasing NFTs.Other benefits of holding LAZIO tokens include exclusive access to the club, chances to sit in the VIP section during the game, and discounts for club merchandise.
The token supply consists of 40,000,000 LAZIO that had the Binance Launchpad Sale Price of 1 USD/LAZIO. The Launchpad Sale made 10% of the token supply available to fans and the team has 15 percent of the tokens. The rest of the tokens are split among Loyalty Subscription, User Fund, and Developer Fund. Tokens are unlocked every twelve months, in October.
It is stated that the LAZIO tokens are intended to be used for payment methods in the future, for transactions to buy club merchandise or tickets for games using the tokens through Binance Pay. It is not currently possible to use the token as a form of payment.